We are sending a care package to Iraq (Freedom Biker Church)

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by willowspringswildman, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Anyone wanna help meet at church Sunday . behind Bojangles in front of the State Credit Union) 10:30 Sunday
    Items needed

    Biker mags ( please no easy riders)
    wildlife magazines
    Car mags
    Hunting Magazines
    Mens Socks
    If anyone has a copy of Talledaga nights Ricky Bobby someone requested that..

    Beleive it or not someone wanted HO/Ho's Hostess
    think about if you were in Iraq far away from home at Christmas.
    What would you miss most.
    if you need directions or a drop off place email me and I will pick up items.Let's send a huge box and make our soldiers feel we appreciate what they are going through.
  2. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Wildlife magazines - do you mean just hunting/outdoor sport type? I have a lot of Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation, Nature Conservancy, Audubon magazines. If you think they would like them, you're welcome to those. If you don't think they would be interested in any of those, I won't take offense - just making an offer.
  3. I am gonna be at Food Lion Parking lot Friday afternoon

    If anyone wants to donate items I am trying to set up a time Friday afternoon at the Food Lion Parking lot somewhere around 3-4.
    Let me know what works for everyone.
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    That works for me. FL on Glen Rd., at 40/42?

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