Ok, when these little buggers first came out my daughter could care less. Now she recently has become interested in them. Before I go to the store(s) to buy some for her, could anyone that has purchased them tell me about how much they cost and where is the best place to purchase them? On the website, there were two places in Clayton listed. Thanks in advance for any info!
they have them at Kohls and the Annex (next to DR Wells) Cracker Barrel, that Florist at 42, beside Dominos.
I would get her the pet of the month because she will get extra things for her online webkinz. If you know someone who already has a Webkinz they can tell you what the pet of the month is and towards the end of each month they will tell you which pet will be the next pet of the month.
there's a lil place in cary near cary towne center that has a TON of these thing plus accessories. i think it was called "Sew You Like It" i know JC penny in CTC has em, and i bet a lot more stores in there do also. The annex has em but they have cut down on how much and what items they are selling. At least that was the case last summer. havent been there since.
Target (White Oak) had some of the larger ones a couple of weeks ago for $14.99. Not many to choose from, but I was surprised to see them there.
I saw one @ Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Webkinz-Plush...e=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1227551458&sr=1-6
Thanks for the link! He is cute but more $$ than I thought. I think I paid about $8 for the ones my son has now.
My son had to have one because everybody in his class had one. Within a week or two, the newness had worn off and into the pile with the rest of the stuffed animals. Thankfully, it was a short-lived thing at $12 a pop for those little runts.
The book store at the Smithfield outlet mall carries them too! I have also seen them at the flea market at the NC fairgrounds.
FYI, I just received an email from DeWayne's in Smithfield saying Webkinz would be Buy One, Get One this weekend Nov. 28th-30th. Looks like they are having a big 3 day sale!
Thanks! Dewayne's is right beside of the outlets there on Industrial Dr. near 70. If the outlets are on your right, Dewaynes is just before them on the right. If you go in with the outlets on your left where all the restaurants are, go past them and Dewaynes will be on your left. You can't miss it-the place is a massive garden center with the upstairs selling Christmas stuff year round. Check out their website at http://www.dewaynes.com and print their $10 of $50 purchase before you go! You might have to be one of their rewards customers for it to work?? But it is free to join and you will get the emails then. It is a very very bad thing when I go to Dewaynes so it is a good thing I will be out of town this weekend:lol: