I just read this about a shotgun shell found at South Johnston high, could this be what you heard? http://www.wral.com/news/news_briefs/story/2537840/
That is it I assume then and.... the patient said the wrong school maybe??? Not sure?? He said he just got a call of a schooting threat at his son school and needed to go pick him up at West Johnston... (never knew there was a West Johnston HS) I knew you guys would know something!
most of the kids never even heard of it until the day was over. It was not a big thing from what I understand - just a threat but no gun. Heck, I've done worse at Walmart.
my daughter said they had been under lockdown all day..quite a cramp on her more than frequent potty-breaks....:lol:...oh yeah she said BOTH South and West were under lock-downs...
the threat was at SJ. it started last Friday and seems to have gone on all week. there was a threat of a shooting today and i think a lot of students stayed home. i know mine would have is she was sitll in High School. it seems that it was a race issue.
:lol: maybe it was just her teachers way of saying she takes WAY too many bathroom breaks...and she needed to just hold it...idk..my son said he was clueless..but he's a freshman and she's a senior, who knows. as long as everyone is alright, and safe, that's all i care about.
There was no lockdown Friday at West. I will say that I am impressed with how the schools take things seriously.