West Johnston, SSS, North Johnston Congratulate AP Scholars

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Oct 7, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    More AP Scholars Named in Johnston County Schools!

    SMITHFIELD-- Each September, the College Board recognizes high school
    students who have distinguished themselves academically by announcing AP
    award recipients.

    The College Board's Advanced Placement Program offers students the
    opportunity to take challenging college courses while still in high
    school, and to receive college credit, advanced placement, or both for
    successful performance on the AP Exams. About 18 percent of the more
    than one million high school students in more that 15,000 secondary
    schools worldwide who took AP Exams perform at a sufficiently high level
    to merit the recognition of AP Scholar.

    The following additional schools have announced their AP Scholars:

    Twelve students at West Johnston High School received AP honors from
    College Board in recognition of their achievement on college-level
    Advanced Placement Program Exams. These included 10 students from the
    Class of 2005, one from the class of 2006 and one from the class of

    There are several types of awards for various levels of achievement.
    The award of AP Scholar is granted to students who receive grades of 3
    or higher on three or more AP Exams. Students named as AP Scholars
    include Katie Lehockey, Meghan Lock, Brandy Sparks, Kristen Stancil,
    Daniel Tart, Nathan Villaescusa, Nai-Jeer Watson, and Amber Woolsey.
    Students who achieve average grades of 3.25 or higher on all AP exams or
    at least a 3 on four or more exams are recognized as AP Scholar with
    Honor. The Honor Scholars include Robert Langdon and Yong-Min Song.
    Lesley Hewitt and Joshua Maust were named as AP Scholar with
    Distinction. Both of these students scored an average of 4 or better on
    all AP exams attempted.

    Eighteen SSS students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing
    three or more AP Examinations with grades of three or higher. The
    students include:
    Hinton Armstrong
    Rachel Barragan
    Matthew Beamon
    Brittany Bristol
    Lindesy Caraballo
    Callie Collins
    Juanita Flonard
    Ashley Green
    Jacob Johnson
    Bennett Narron
    Anna Parrish
    Amanda Quinn
    Jane Royal
    Patricia Ryan
    Benton Sawrey
    Robert Scott
    Stephanie Williams
    Mary Youngblood

    Adam Robinson qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by
    earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken and
    grades of three or higher on five or more of these exams.

    Two students at North Johnston High School have earned the designation
    of AP Scholar by the College Board in recognition of their exceptional
    achievement at the college-level Advanced Placement Program (AP) Exams.

    Students took AP Exams in May 2005 after completing challenging
    college-level courses at their high schools. The College Board
    recognizes several levels of achievement based on student's
    performance on AP exams.

    Heather Creech, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim A. Creech, Jr. of Kenly,
    and Ryan Fitzgerald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fitzgerald of Pine
    Level qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an
    average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and grades of 3 or
    higher on four or more of these exams.

    Most of the nation's colleges and universities award credit, advanced
    placement, or both based on successful performance o the AP Exams. More
    that 1,400 institutions award a full year's credit (sophomore
    standing) to students presenting a sufficient number of qualifying

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