West Johnston Students Participate in Danish Exchange

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    BENSON-- West Johnston High School Guidance Counselor Linda Ridout and
    Social Studies instructor Bill Reid have recently returned from Hobro,
    Denmark with a group of fourteen students from West Johnston High
    School. They were completing the Danish portion of an exchange with a
    group of Hobro Gymnasium High School students. Hobro Gymnasium and West
    Johnston High School had been planning this exchange since August 2003.

    Initially two Danish teachers, Ellen Erbs and Henrik Rudfeld, visited
    West Johnston in October 2003 to coordinate the exchange. They met with
    West Johnston Principal Dr. Patricia Harris, visited classes, talked to
    teachers, and visited local cultural attractions. West Johnston students
    then applied to be a part of the exchange. Those accepted were placed in
    a class to broaden their understanding of Denmark and Danish culture.
    During this time, WJHS students developed email relationships with their
    Danish friends. After months of careful planning, the 27 Danish students
    and the two teachers arrived in March for a visit of approximately two
    weeks. During this time they were paired with West Johnston student host
    families, lived with these families and accompanied the West Johnston
    students to classes and after school activities.

    Ridout and Reid arrived in Copenhagen on August 18, and spent two days
    sightseeing and becoming acquainted with the culture. They traveled by
    train to Hobro where Danish host families were waiting for them. While
    in Hobro, the American students attended classes with their Danish
    friends and jointly prepared and presented multimedia presentations on
    Danish and American cultural differences and similarities. A number of
    field trips, including those to a Viking village, local museums, and
    other historical places of interest have also expanded the American
    students understanding of Danish culture. The group also met with the
    mayor and other town officials of Hobro. The students
    participated in a joint activity day program which includes sports,
    poetry, music, and art. Two additional field trips, including one to
    Skagen, the far northern tip of Denmark and a cruise down a local fjord,
    were also taken. They returned on Tuesday, August 31 with a new
    appreciation of the need for international cooperation.

    "Linda and I are very impressed with the impact this program has had,
    not only on our fourteen West Johnston ambassadors, but also on our
    Johnston county community and the community of Hobro, Denmark," said

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