West Smithfield Sending Young Scholars to Vienna, VA

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Students Nominated for Young Scholars Program

    SMITHFIELD-- Students from West Smithfield Elementary School have been
    nominated to attend the National Young Scholars Program which will be
    held at James Madison University in Vienna, Virginia this summer.
    Criteria for nomination included outstanding leadership
    potential,maturity, and academic excellence. Third and fourth graders
    selected for the honor include: Cassandra Ortiz, Erica Thomas,Celeste
    Loia,Vanessa Watson, John Bond, and George Allen Nathaniel. These
    students will have the oportunity to celebrate the joy of learning with
    engagement in the ARTS, Physics, Greek Mythology, ecological kingdoms,
    and literary works during their two-week stay.

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