
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by rockyv, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    Isn't it illegal to fill in wetlands?
  2. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    Probably not anymore:-( but I don't know.
  3. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    I have a neighbor on the next street over who has been cutting down trees and having trucks come in in the wee hours of the morning(4 am -5am ) and dump debree in the wetlands and back fill it
  4. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    Sounds illegal to me, and it sounds like your neighbor knows it. Why else would he be doing it at 4-5 am?:evil:
  5. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    Yes it is illegal to fill in wetlands without a permit from DWQ (Division of Water Quality). If by chance they have been classified as 404 Wetlands (by the Army COE) then that is also largely across the law.

    Technically they have had to been classified as wetlands on a survey or by some other means in order to count. If its just a low spot that holds water now and then from a heavy rain, that might not be a classic example of wetlands. However if they are constantly wet, then without a permit he can not fill those in.
  6. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    who do i have to contact at the corp of engineers? I just has a run in with his neighbor telling me it was none of my business and to mind my own business. Also the neighbor in question has put up a privacy fence so no one from the street can see what he is doing. Up till now i was just curious, but now after feeling threatoned i feel i need to report this.
  7. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    I live in south plantation, just off of indian camp road. My home is at the end of the Cul-de-sac adjacent to the property in question. Part of my property is in the wetlands and i was told there was nothing i could do with it but look at it. But the person in question (according to the Johnston county GIS) owns part of the wetlands right next to my property. And from what i understand, wetlands are federally protected and can not be landfilled. I was threatened by my neighbor saying that the person doing the fillling was friends with the county sheriffs. I need to go the federal level on this. I fear retribution from them.
  8. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    Isn't that the best thing to do with wetlands?
  9. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I would call the number at the bottom of the following website, then after I did that I would call the sheriff and tell them that you already notified the NCDENR but wanted to make sure something happened before the resource was destroyed.

  10. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    The home owner has been doing something like this for about a year now. But just recently he has put up a privacy fence (7-8 feet tall) so people can not see from the street. And this is the first time our neighbor (between us) has threatened me. And i know my neighbor for a long time. If i do a GIS map search on my property and do the photo 2002 and 2005, you can see large differnces between the too and even if you go over there from behind. But after my neighbor told me that the man doing the filling in of the wetlands is friends with the sheriff's I took that as a personel threat not to say anything. I dont thing the sheriff's dept itself is anyway involved but to be on the safe side if i was to call them i would rather talk to sheriff bizzell.

    But come tomorrow morning i will call the number at the bottom of that page. thank you.

    And just in case the person lives at 115 Monticello Place. And as my neighbor decribed the wife "the blonded hair woman with blue eyes"
  11. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    I know the USACOE is the USA Corp Of Engineers and that JD is Deptment of Justice, but what is DENR-DWQ?
  12. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2007
  13. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    What did you just say?

    (Were you ever in the military?)
  14. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    I am trying to figure what DENR-DWQ. I figure DJ is Deptment Of Justice.
  15. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    DENR is the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. And DWQ is the Division of Water Quality.
  16. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    Thank you
  17. MelloTofer

    MelloTofer Well-Known Member

    why are they so anxious to fill in this wetland? what is the purpose. hm.
  18. rockyv

    rockyv Guest

    so they can keep their horse's. From what the neighbor who threatened me tonight told me months ago, (from what i remember over a year ago) The property was not exceptable to build homes on and Son-Lan tried to donate it to the county but the county didnt want it.
  19. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    Call all the places mentioned previously. If you get no where with them, though you should because messing with wetlands is taken very seriously, then call the JC Planning Department 989-5150 and they can put you in touch with the proper people.
  20. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Doing this at that hour sounds like they have something to hide. God only knows what they may be dumping in there. I don't know about NC, but in some other states HUGE fines have been slapped on people for messing with wetlands. Report it to the authorities suggested and make it known you were threatened to them.

    It sounds like maybe they 'name dropped' dropped the sheriffs department in an effort to make you back off.

    Keep us posted.

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