Lately, I have been driving pass at several farmer's crops and I couldn't figure out what are they growing. It looks like a field of healthy green tall grass. They're about 5 inches high and close together - no rows at all. Just a whole landful of green pasture. My husband think it's a sod farm that sell sods. I told him I don't think so because it's a little too high. You'll see it near Loop Rd, Buffaloe Rd, etc. Any ideas?
Corn? nm, i didnt read your post completely. my reading comprehension is running low right now =( TOO MUCH FORUM WHORING! =(
Not to sure about where that crop is but TODAY on Barber Mill Rd I saw some rows of Red grass looking plants. They were 'set out' in wide rows with what we called truck middles. A full field of them on the right as you head towards 1010/Cleveland Rd. Any idea what these are? PS: Yes, I'm a farm girl & I have no idea what these RED plants are.
From what I am told the tall dark green stuff is animal hay of a kind. THey the soy beans and stuff comes later. what the heck do know...
Spring Wheat looks like that too... Generally a cover crop for farmers! They will reseed later with a new crop (maybe a winter wheat this fall/winter).... or they will chop and plant a new crop. This is the time for farmers to start clearing their fields and plant their tobacco, and so on... Almost ALL large farmers have Crop Insurance and they have federal dates to plant their spring crops... So they have a winter crop for nutrients.... cut it down, sale for feed to animals and then plant their sweet potatoes or tobacco.. (but it is getting a little late for planting spring) - ok I know TOO MUCH INFO! LOL I worked in Crop Insurance for 6 or 7 years!
Have been wondering the same thing. Neighbor tells me the plants started out green and then turned after no rain.
Green plants Most of the fields that have the green plants growing is a crop called rye. It is mainly planted as a cover crop to help prevent soil erosion. It can be harvested as a grain crop but most of the time it will be cut(disked) into the ground and will decompose adding organic material and tilth to he soil. Some farmers that have cattle will fence around it and allow catlle to graze on it before they plant their spring crop.
So my brother tells me it is pine trees in the fields. Guess the farmer that works those fields is calling it quits.
I was wondering if it was some sort of trees, but they looked so RED??? The spacing made me think of a tree farm, but again I had not ever seen trees that were set by machine, only hand planted. Good Luck to the Farmer & the trees on these cold nights.