What is with some women talking on their cellphone while sitting on the toilet in public restrooms? Do men do this too? At work, it's become uncommon to NOT hear some woman talking on her cellphone while going to the bathroom. What appalls me is that it's often obvious that they are conducting business...such as speaking to someone at a business. You can't help but hear them go to the bathroom, then you can hear from the way they are talking that they are putting the phone to their shoulder while they "clean up"...then they flush...all the while giving out their account info or talking about the order they are checking on. I heard one woman the other day putting in her lunch order while doing this. I tell you what, if I worked at a restaurant and was taking someone's order while I listened to them pee and then flush the toilet, I would have to gag. Whatever happened to manners? It's bad enough that some people can't be in public without having a daggone cellphone attached to their ear speaking at the top of their lungs "..and then I tole him I wasn't gonna take no more of...". But now we have to listen to it in the restrooms also? :roll:
What really sets me off is when someone thinks that I want to hear their cell phone conversation when they have the other party on speaker while I'm trying to enjoy a lunch.
In the airport I often hear the guy in the stall next to me on the phone. When this occurs I try testing the acoustics of the stall.
oooh...phone calls in the bathroom is just TACKY...haven't decided how to respond...should you politely ignore them? Flush repeatedly? Groan loudly like you are in major gastric distress? Or what about if you're in the grocery store, someone is shopping and chatting and THEY glare because you stand next to them to look for something on the shelf or the kids are a little vocal...want privacy or quiet? Have the phone conversation someplace private... It amazed me when I went to the Credit Union and saw the signs asking people not to talk on the cell phones while doing their banking business... it's called 'manners', people!! :roll:
RESTROOM ETIQUETTE Once I was on a long distance trip and I decide to make a stop at one of those rest areas on the side of the road. I go in the washroom. The first stall was taken so I went into the second stall. I just sat down when I hear a voice from the next stall..."Hi there, how is it going?" OK, I am not the type to strike up conversations with strangers in washrooms on the side of the road. I didn't know what to say, but I replied: "Not bad I guess." Then the voice says: "So, what are you doing?" I am starting to find that a bit weird, but I say: "Well, I'm going back East to see some friends and just try to relax..." Then I hear the person say: "Look, I'm going to have to call you back. Every time I ask you a question, some idiot in the next stall keeps answering."
I went into a bathroom one time and heard the guy in the stall say "I love you man, what would I do without you?". I got out of there. I found out later he was on the phone.
What's woorse is when someone comes into a store and trys to pay or order while on the stupid cell phone.