I'm just curious. Yes I know, just because you claim to be a member of a certain party doesn't mean you will vote strictly along party lines. I'm just curious as top what you claim to be in general.
I'll be so glad when we all find something else to talk about ...... I hate election time just for that reason
Heck...I don't freakin know anymore!! I can tell you I am registered Republican, but the parties you listed don't really follow the same ideals they used to when they first started... hmmm....an updated definition of each? Therefore, sorry Clif, I didn't vote
then we get to listen to the whining and crying about the one who gets elected! WOOHOO!!!:hurray: oh and I am registered independant too!
I agree with you for the two major parties. The Libertarian party was created for just that very reason. Because the republican party had been co-opted by the religious right and was no longer the same party with the same ideals. The Libertarian party's ideals are, for the most part, what the Republican party used to be. Unfortunately I can't give you an equal comparison to Democrats who have been co-opted by the fringe wackos (for lack of a better term). Is available on Wikipoedia (FWIW). Your right.
It will be interesting to see how closely the results of this poll reflect NC voter registration numbers. http://www.sboe.state.nc.us/ Voter Registration as of 10/07/2008 Democratic: 2,745,169 (45% of total) Republican: 1,962,629 (32% of total) Libertarian: 1,754 (.03% of total) Unaffiliated: 1,337,500 (22% of total) Total: 6,047,052 (The numbers are from the SBOE site; the percentages are calculated by me, and do not add up to 100% because of rounding.) It's my impression that Johnston County is more Republican than the state as a whole, and 4042'ers in general are farther to the right on the political spectrum (on average) than the state as a whole. Note: Libertarian numbers are artificially low because of this state's very restrictive ballot access laws. A party has to get some 64,000 signatures to be certified to be on the ballot, and then has to receive 10% of the vote for President or Governor to remain certified. The Libertarian party has been certified and decertified a number of times, and whenever a party is decertified, all voters registered in that party automatically have their registration changed to unaffiliated. Then when the party is certified again, they are not automatically changed back, but must update their voter registration with the BOE if they want to be registered with that party again.
Now you are going to drive me insane. It is "you are". I have to correct my teen on this all the time and I don't see what is so hard in understanding it. Anyhow, I do agree with KDs that our area has more Republican right wing voters. Looks like most of the main street media are saying that our state will go Blue. Interesting. I've never seen such hard workers as the Obama volunteers and that is not because I'm a Liberal it is because of two offices in our county and hard working people knocking on doors. It's a wonderful feeling to know that people are so excited and involved. Politics and our government don't go away after an election so I am sure we will still be discussing issues. Hey, we can always discuss Supreme Court rulings. Thanks, Clif, Sherry
That was my first thought, too, but then I realized he meant what he said - it is her right not to vote in his poll.
Don't blame that on me, that's the way I found you. No, it is "your" as in, "That is your right" Not "You are right". Me either, except, for some reason, you didn't understand at all.
Okay, that makes sense. This particular word has been a sore subject in our house recently. As Sarah would say..."Gotcha". Vote November 4th or sooner, Sherry
Well, at least vote early, and avoid the rush on election day. Early voting in Cleveland and Clayton starts October 21, and goes through November 1. The locations are the Cleveland Campus of JCC (across from the fire station) and the Church at Clayton Crossing (in the old Winn Dixie store on Hwy 70). Times are: Tuesday through Friday, 12:00 noon to 7:00 P.M. and Saturday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. See Kelyel's post on the Meet the Candidates forum for more information.
For 25 years I was registered as a Republican because I believed in small government. Somewhere along the way the Republican party forgot that was part of their platform. I considered joining the Libertarian party and actually went to a few meetings in Raleigh. Unfortunately I discovered that they are all a bunch of anarchist that want to overthrow the government. I don't want to overthrow the government I just want the one that we have to work better. Finally I just couldn't drink the conservative kool-aid anymore, and switched my party affiliation to the Democratic party this year.