I've heard of a PomaPoo... cross Pomeranian and poodle.. maybe they're spelling it wrong?? http://www.rainbowpark.ca/galleryofpuppies2.htm This site has some cute pictures of different pom/poo crosses... some are so adoreable!
They are cute! I can't justify spending any money on a pet when so many of them are in need of adoption. Just my opinion. It seems that after I lost many of my old friends from old age, another one just seemed to find me. I knew they were mine the moment I came across them too. It's weird how that happens. Seems the last one would send the perfect one my way to love and to be loved back!
It's funny .. mixed breeds used to be called "mutts". Now they are "designer dogs", people are mixing them on purpose and making a fortune off of them.
My mother has a Labradoodle (sp?) Lab and poodle He is the most goofy looking dog I have ever seen. Skinny, Black but with poodle hair, and his head comes to a point. Weird
Labradoodle - The cousins have one. He is a total WILD MAN dog. Very hyper & on the move like a young lab, loves to chew, loves to swim, loves to go for rides... We all wonder why not get a black lab? Same thing. A fancy marketed "Sooner" dog. LOL! :lol:
My first dog was a Chihuahua/Pomeranian/Pekinese mix. I wouldn't want a dog named poo! (Bottom of the page, a link to a Golden-poo. Try bragging about that dog to your friends. Ugh!)