I need some advice from you petexperts on what to do about a stray that took up and had kittens. I guess you could say it was a "rescue" cause it acted more like it had been abandoned than completely wild. If you don't really want the cat to have more kittens but don't really want to make it a "pet" either, what services are out there to get it spayed? Is there anything out there that's free or next to nothing in cost? I looked up the mobile places and it's not worth the $$ for the strays. Also, anyone want some free kittens? We don't want to take them to the shelter...rather give them to a good home than something bad happen to them. There's one boy and one girl not "spoken" for. And possibly the momma cat if we can't get her fixed really cheap. Any advice would be appreciated.
There is a local organization, www.feralcatfriends.org who sponsor a trap/neuter/release program. Not sure of the charges but I know they run mainly on donations. Their contact info is on their website.
Okay...want to find a good home for them. Two three month old kittens. One grey (female), one tabby (male) and the mommy cat who is very loving. Don't know how old she is since she was a stray. Please PM if interested. Thanks