What To Do On Mothers' Day

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dgsatman, May 12, 2013.

  1. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    In what is turning out to be an annual posting, the following is my salute to ALL the Mothers out there, past, present and future. I first posted this last year on 4042.com and also on my Fb status. It's not that I have nothing new to say, it's just that I've read and re-read this enough to know that I probably can't say it any better. I have some very good friends who have recently been blessed with the birth of their first child, and this is especially for them. If you have recently lost your mother, I hope you find some comfort in your loss. But for all who take the time to read, I hope you find this message to be as relevant and inspirational now as it was then. Please feel free to share.

    by Grey Satterfield on Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 11:43am ยท

    The question was, "What to do on Mothers' Day". My answer follows:

    MY advice, for what it's worth:

    This is YOUR day. Enjoy YOUR day with the ones that make YOU happy. If this is your children, your family, your friends, whomever, spend it with the ones YOU love.
    What you do is not nearly as important as who you do it with.

    If you are fortunate enough to still have your mother, by all means, make a point to tell them how much they mean to you, how much you appreciate ALL that they have done for you, how much you love them. Even if your mother is gone, you can STILL tell her.
    If for whatever reason you and your mother have had a falling out or don't get along, WHAT BETTER DAY to reach out and try to mend the fences that keep you apart. Take the first step, and let the love that is the bond between mother and child take over. You might be surprised, and will not have to waste another day living in a world without each other.

    Make this a special day for the one you love, and the one that gave you one of the GREATEST GIFTS OF ALL, YOUR CHILDREN. Let this be the day devoted to HER wishes, and do what you can to tell her, by your words and actions, how much you appreciate everything that she has done.

    This is free advice, and worth every penny that you paid for. It comes from a soon-to-be old man who has made many mistakes in life. I have, however, learned a lot over the years and wish to share this message with others, that they might have THE BEST MOTHERS' DAY EVER!!!

    Thank you, and may God bless you all.
  2. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    Perfect and timeless message. Being a mom is my greatest joy. My mom has been gone for over 20 years and I wasn't a mother yet when she passed. I wish I could tell her how right she was about everything she ever said and thank her for making me the mom I am for my kids. We are just hanging around the house today after taking a walk at Clemmons and having a picnic. It couldn't be more perfect. Thank you for your post. You are a wise soon to be old man! :cheers:

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