I have an abandoned car in my driveway...no tags, no title, nada. We bought the car back in November off of craigslist. The guy SIGNED THE TITLE (after I insisted he could not do that) and then gave it to us. Of course, he did not do it in front of a notary so we had to return the title to him. He took it to his bank where the bank manager knew him so it got notorized. Well, we never got the title. He moved out of state and changed his number. Now we are stuck with this car. Any suggestions? I want to get rid of it.
You can call a local towing service and they will come get it. (although you won't get anything for it)
Check your PM's. I might be interested in it- I can probably pay you a little $$ for it, depending on what kind of car it is.... Rig.
i have a friend who had a flaky roommate who took off on him, and left a broken down pickup truck in the driveway. he called dmv, and they told him that after a certain period of time (i can't remember how long), you can apply for and receive a title to the vehicle in your name because it's on your property....
Its an 85 or 86 Toyota Camry. We paid $700 for it back in November. Its just been sitting in my garage, collecting dust. Not sure if it runs now or not. If someone wants to haul it out, I'll take $500 firm for it. Just basically want to get my $ back.
There is a procedure at the DMV for getting a replacement title. Boss had to do it for a boat trailer that the seller's couldn't find the original. DH had to do it in Illinois for a motorcycle once. It can be done, just time consuming.
in this case, though, he never had a title to get replaced. it's going to require going through the process of generating a new one due to its abandonment. still, like you say, it can be done and it's time consuming
I'm not an expert, but I've seen some title troubles in my day... In this situation, I *think* you would have to file paperwork with the DMV to get a replacement title in your name, sign an affidavit swearing to the facts as you stated them, then put up a $$$$ bond in a certain amount- usually the value of the car or maybe a bit more. The bond stays with the state for a certain time period, allowing anyone who may have some claim of ownership plenty of time to come forward and say so. Once the time passes, DMV figures it's your car so they issue a new title in your name and you get your bond $$$$ back. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that if someone else makes an ownership claim to the car, and they have better proof than yours- you might lose some or all of your bond $$$$. Not an instantaneous process by any means- but certainly worth checking into since you've got $$$ tied up in that car and you can't use it until the title thing gets resolved. If you sell it for scrap with no title, you *might* get $150-200 for it if you have to get someone to haul it off. Rig
My husband owns a towing service and used to pull abandon cars and illegal parks all the time. After so many days (up to 30 i think) he would file on the cars to get a title. DMV would send notification to the last owner. The owner is required to pay the tow fee and any storage fees (which are usually $20 a day). The owner has another 30-60 days (sorry can't remember exactly) to respond. If the owner did not respond or did not want to car back, then my husand would get the title. I think he paid between $60-$100 to file on each car. He actually ended up with a really nice monte carlo like that. It is time consuming but you do make some money in the long run, once you sell it. You won't be able to do anything with the car unless you have the title. If you try to sell it to someone for $500 then that could cause you some trouble in the long run. If he signed the title, then why don't you have his signed copy? If you have the signed copy, the you can take it to DMV and get a title. My brother in law and his girlfriend fought over a vehicle once. She signed the title over to him and even had it notorized. She thought she could be sneaky and go to DMV to apply for a duplicate title before he went to DMV. She got in major trouble for that. They had an officer show up at door.
Thanks everyone for the responses! I forgot I had a handy relative who needed an extra car. Worked out well in the end!