What type of Cat litter do you use?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Steeler_Fan, May 14, 2009.

  1. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    We are using arm and hammer litter, but it not doing the job, we have 3 cats, and 3 boxes, clean the boxes each day, though sometimes, I am slacker go every other day, they are not very full, but they sure do smell. People come over say they don't smell the boxes or the cats(yes mother-in law would tell us), but we sure can smell the boxes. They don't smell all the time, but after about a week of switching out the litter. I have tried the stuff you put in the box to help with smell, but forget the name. We also tried some other litter but the dust was so bad, we could not stand it nor could the cats. It was fresh step or scoop away, one of those 2. 2 of the boxes are covered, but the 3rd is open, as one of the cats is a mancoon, so it to big for covered boxes from the store. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Also anyone know where to get a covered litter box that big enough for mancoon?

  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I use whatever is on sale, two cats, one covered box (no place to put a second box the way my house is laid out), scooped fairly frequently. I am not compulsive about it though, once every couple days or so. I've found that it doesn't smell nearly as much if you don't give them wet food (their pooh absolutely reeks if they eat wet cat food, we don't get it anymore). DH is particlarly senstive to any smell, so he will certainly let me know if I have fallen down on the job.:lol: I also completely wash out the entire litter box with soap and hot water periodically and a completely fresh batch of litter, because one of mine has a tendancy to back right up against the very back of the box. You might check the Fosters and Smith catalog or someplace online for a box big enough for the Maincoon.
  3. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. How often do you empty the box and put all new fresh litter in? Are cats are on dry food only.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Probably not as often as I should! LOL About every two weeks or so. Just depends on how the cats have been doing. My nose doesn't work all that great, I depend on DH and DS to let me know. I've asked good friends and relatives though and supposedly I don't have a litter box odor. But my house is a two story and it's upstairs in the laundry room. I do make sure I clean it out and start fresh if I'm having company though. I live in fear someone would start wrinkling their nose when they walked through the door.
  5. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I use Fresh Step with carbon. It's the only one I have found that doesn't smell bad to me. I hate the cat litter smell even when it is clean. We have 1 in the laundry room and 1 in the garage that they get to through a doggy door. I clean them every day but only empty and wash once a month or so. Had someone I had just met come over and she saw the cats and said, "You have pets in the house? I never would have known it." I loved that!
  6. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I use the BJ"s brand, clumps good, only one cat here. I like it and theres a q-pon in the new book I just got :hurray:
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I use the Cat's Pride brand or whatever is on sale. I can't stand the dust so I'm always looking for a dust free brand.

    I have one cat and we totally change box once a week and scoop as needed. I only feed my cat dry food because yall are right about the rancid smell from them eating wet food. It gags me every time.

    I do not like Fresh Step because of the smell and the amount of dust.

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