What type of phone service do you have? Not looking for company providing service, just what type of service you have, such as Landline, VOIP, or Cell.
VoIP (Google Voice) to my Cellphone (VZW now) or Skype. I gave you providers anyway. I'm breaking all the rules.
Dumped landline 3 months ago, and haven't looked back. Was using landline for fax service, and found a better deal online with a toll free number. Embarq was not EVEN interested in trying to keep our business. Now, we're all on cell phones with Sprint, after moving over from Nextel.
The reason I decided to post about phone service, is because I am tired of paying so much for phone service. Trying to decide what I should do and see what others have. Between our Landline and Cell service, it well over 250 a month. I am thinking about going Cell only and Cell for our alarm system.
Landline with Embarq, Cell phones with Verizon and another landline and fax line for business with Time Warner Cable. Thinking of getting rid of the landline with Embarq soon.
Just dropped the landline last week. So far haven't missed it. Have access to an internet phone (DH works from home) if I need it as well as cells. Will probably get a majicjack soon for the house.
Landline (EmbarF) and 800# (ACN -thanks to Peaches) that is forwarded to my cell phone (Verizon). Will be getting another set of numbers within the next 3 months for the beach. :hurray:
I should have also noted the only thing we use the landline for is our alarm system. We also have dSL. We also have Roadrunner. The dSL is because we both work from home a fair amount and our job requires internet access. So if Roadrunner goes down we need to have a backup for work.
i got rid of my land line a couple of years ago and haven't missed it. We all use cell phones now. I do have a softphone if I need it.
We have VOIP with AT&T. The are discontinuing their VOIP service next month. Trying to decide if we should go with another company or cell phones.
Cell only for our Alarm system is not an option as we have 2/way which does not work with cell only. Also we our under contract so we cannot switch at this time :cry:
HG's company installed my system and I have spoken to her about it. It seems as if its just better to suck it up and deal with Embarq!
Why? It's only 10 dollars more a month to have it with the cell service, lots less than having a land line! What am I missing?