You've been invited out with a friend. They are covering the tab. Service is great, food is fine, you're having fun. :cheers: The waitstaff is attentive and friendly to the extra needs (ahem..demands) of the friend who has taken you out. When the tab comes, you notice that the payee has WAY undertipped the waiter....embarrassingly so. Do you say you excuse yourself before you leave the restaurant and throw an extra 10.00 to the waiter in the you just put the money on the table...what the hey!? :banghead:
You put money on the table. If asked why you're leaving more of a tip you can just say "I wanted to let them know how much I appreciated the great service I got".
What are you saying I didn't give him a good tip? I gave him a shiny shilling and a told him not to bet on the horses.
I'd excuse myself, walk back to the table, leave a ten on the table with a note bearing my friends cell phone number and something along the lines of "there's more where that came from... call me." Works best if the server is of the same sex and your friend eats there frequently.
I would either go back to the table and put money on it or find the person that waited on us and give it directly to them and tell them thank you and how much I appreciated their service.
I agree with LETSGOEERS! I just saw this recently on Friends...Ross & Rachael are out with her father, he pays the tab and undertips. Ross is embarrassed so he leaves more money on the table. Rachaels' dad goes back to the table and sees what Ross did, and he gets mad that Ross considers him a cheapskate, after he just spent $200 on dinner! (hope if you leave more money, you think of a good comeback like the "I appreciate the great service compliment")
I'd just go back to the table. The server will appreciate it and you don't have to embarrass your friend either.
If my friends were picking up the tab for dinner, I would just tell them I would take care of the tip.
I have a friend who is a notorious bad tipper! He will often pick up the tab if it's the 2 of us so I always tell him that since he is kind enough to buy, I will leave the tip.
We were "discussing" who would pick up the tab at dinner one night with some friends we were visiting. I offered to pick up the chack as they had shown us around but he said we were the guests. When the waiter came we both told him to give to us. My firend said he was bigger than the waiter. I said I tipped better. I got the check and my friend filed that reply away.
Writing that last post reminded meof a dinner at the beach one year. It was at one of those buffet seafood places. They had everything from cavier to fresh caught Calabash. The servers bring the drinks and bus the tables to keep the plates from stacking up. There was a party of 8 adults and 5 or 6 kids in the two tables directly over the short divider when we arrived. It was hard not to hear their conversation concerning the mandatory 18% tip added to the check for a party of that size. They had every excuse possible from the kids did not eat that much to the waiters did nothing for them (there were 3 busing those tables) and they finally argued with the manager enough to get the tip removed from the bill. As they left they counted out the tip in change. They left a total of $0.13 in pennies and a nickel. I was so embarassed hearing their lame excuses I caught one of the waiters clenaing up the table and gave him $10.00 because they deserved it even if they were too cheap to acknowledge it. I really enjoyed the meal and as we walked out into the parking lot talking about how much better the meal had seemed after the other folks had left, two of the waiters caught up with us to return the cap I had forgotten in the chair beside me. Our waiter and one from the other tables. They were both very nice about thanking us again.
1. Tip them on your own what you think the tip should have been 2. DONT GO OUT WITH *THAT PERSON* EVER AGAIN!!!!! Girl, I will whoop you! :lol:
I've tried telling him I'd pick up the tip, since he took care of the dinner/drinks. A comment was made once that I overtip, (and I do!), but I've worked in restaurants/bars over the years to supplement my income, so I know how it is .. you work your arse off, so I always appreciate what wait staff do for me. It's like this, I am crazy about this person...and this is the only thing that drives me up a wall about him. I've mentioned it before, that if you expect good service.. and EXTRA service at that, that it's customary to show your appreciation by tipping well... It has gotten to the point that when we're out having a few drinks, I throw extra money in the tip jar while he's in the bathroom, because I know how it'll be when the tab comes. Let me just point out that this is a good guy here, and a great friend to me (my BEST friend!)...there's just a brain fart on this particular subject. I guess it's going to come down to a good heart to heart talk...and just let him know that it's embarrassing to me...and insulting to those who 'SOIVE' us! And so... what would you do!!!??? LOL
i used to have a friend like this and i would always tell her i had to hit the bathroom on the way out and would meet her outside and then i would find the server and give them the tip they deserved and thank them so much for the service, kept both happy
Show him this thread; if he is not aware that it is about him, just share. "hey honey, check out this conversation on the forum". Then ease into the topic of discussion, using whatever his response is to help you proceed. If he knows of your screen name here, have a short heads-up conversation first, then show it to him. It will speak volumes. Won't start a war, I don't think, but will educate him. Just make sure your conversation occurs when he is in a receptive mood, not when you are fighting about stuff and he would be defensive. Sometimes people just need to know they are not the only ones who are the way they are, and you are not trying to be unreasonable on purpose, like he may have concluded in his mind. It is important to you, so hopefully, he will appreciate that fact and understand your way of thinking. JMHO. Good luck; he sounds like a great guy!