what's up with

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sirputz, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    All the state troopers at New bethel church in Garner on hwy 50?

    I've seen one or two before, but the last couple of days I've seen at least 7 there.
    And passed a lot more on the rd.
  2. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    They train a lot there because the training center is in Garner.
  3. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    That and they are getting ready for my upcoming visit!
  4. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Looked through most of your whole 11 posts. Have come to the conclusion your a regular poster using a new nick. You do not like Hilary and I wish you would keep your snide remarks where they belong. The Political Pit.

    SirPutz I also see them train from time to time over on Cleveland School Road
    Wayne Stollings and Hught like this.
  5. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Who cares what you think or want? Go cry to someone who might actually pay attention to you. Oh wait you probably can not find one. You keep coming here posting like the Queen you are! You trying to add unofficial board police to your image now?
  6. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Ignore! bye bye
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2015
  7. HillaryRodham

    HillaryRodham Member

    Darn going to lose a lot of sleep over that!
  8. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Damn Bub. Lighten up.

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