NO!! You guys stop!! the summer has just begun and my kids are having a blast!! go on git with your 'hurry up' of summer! git!
I was just kidding!! My middle one is bored - oldest was invited to go play at friends, youngest is sleeping, and I'm not much fun. I did play wii for a bit, then he was bored. Started doing bubbles, but he wasn't into that either. He doesn't know what to do with himself alone, has always had a brother to entertain him...:lol: I grew up a lonely child, he doesn't know what boring is until he's experienced that! And there was no wii back then, and my parents could have cared less how bored I was! Boy were summers long back then!
Today when I get home I will have: All my towels folded up and put away. The Ice Cream Salt swept up from the back porch. The toilets, sinks, and counters cleaned. 6 words wrote 10 times each AND last but not least Manner manners manners! Happy Summertime Kiddo!:mrgreen:
THAT is great!!! we have a chore list laminated and hanging on the back of the large ones door for everyday!