When is McGees Middle School Formal Dance?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mingomama, May 9, 2015.

  1. mingomama

    mingomama Well-Known Member

    Can someone tell me when the McGees Middle School dance is? I was at the school a few weeks ago and was told it was in the planning stages but a date had not been set.

  2. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    I can ask my daughter if she's heard anything about it. I'll check in the AM
  3. aphorista

    aphorista Well-Known Member

    My 8th grader says June 10th.
  4. mingomama

    mingomama Well-Known Member

    In case anyone else is interested, I finally got an answer from the school. Aphorista is correst, it's June 10th at 6:30 pm
  5. mingomama

    mingomama Well-Known Member

    And it's not a formal (like McGees had). To quote the principal, save those fancy dresses for prom.
  6. aphorista

    aphorista Well-Known Member

    I wish we had received the notice earlier about the attire. We had already bought a long dress that we will be returning now. So did many of my daughter's friends.

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