Were looking for a nice wooden swing set. Anyone have any advise on where to get one at? Looking for the nice ones that are sturdy and built well. Thanks
Somebody just had one in the classifieds for sale. Do a search in the classifieds and see what you can find.
Classifieds or Craigs List (I got mine on Craigs List - THEY GO FAST!! You have to "watch" CL for them. Those things are a couple grand brand new, they're just going to fade in your yard. Might as well buy pre-faded for a couple hundred bucks.
I will check Craigslist. Really trying to find a place that comes out and puts it together for you. If I leave it up to my husband it will sit there. I thought there was a place in Clayton that did it at one time?
Red Barn? They *might* They are on 70 going towards Bayer. Lowes? Home Depot? (yuck) There may even be someone on the 4042 Buisness Directory
Like someone mentioned: Lowe's, Home Depot I know they have them at Sam's perhaps BJ's (don't know of assembly there though) Also, Toys R Us have them as well Take note, the assembly will probablly cost you but a good idea if you hubby will take forever doing it. My hubby and 3 other grown men put my neices together (the one at Sam's) and it took them 6 HOURS!!!
We bought ours in the winter at Creative Playthings. They had a great sale going on and they delivered and put it together. It was a bit pricey, but has been well worth it. We all play on it even the adults that come over have fun on it too. To keep any wooden swing set looking good you will need to stain it every couple of years.
Hell fire that sounds quick to me! It took me and my husband three days to put ours together. Now it wasn't all day events each day and please take into consideration we are both type A personalities that HAD to work together. Oh, it was fun!
We bought one last year and DH put it up himself. He took his time and was very careful. It is still not right. We should have spent the extra money and got one from a place like Creative Playthings (there is one by the airport, I can't remember the name). We don't seem to learn that you get what you pay for :banghead:
I got one for my son on cedarworks.com. Very nice customer help and easy to put together. It took me 10 hours but I was by myself. Get online and ask for a sales catalogue.
I would recommend you shop around. MOst the ones at Sam's, Lowes, etc. aren't built all that sturdy. My husband made ours years ago and we still have it today. Our 15yo still loves to swing. This was overbuilt but built to last. If you know you are going to have it for years, buy one built to last or build it yourself. BTW, much cheaper to build it yourself. When we originally were looking, some of those structures were in the thousands. I thought that was nuts. If you build it yourself, look online for pieces being sold. That's how we found our slide and then the rock climbing wall was free. Good luck the kids will love it. Also, make sure you treat it against weather elements. Also, we got a load of sand b/c our sand pit is huge, from the construction company of our house. No, it's not playsand but it's sand and seems to last longer than playsand of previous years. We have the same sand(though much less of it) from almost 4 years ago. We paid $25 for entire dump truck full of this sand. Just trying to throw some options out there. Good luck finding a playset. Stephanie--mom to 7
Well thanks for all the input. We went to Creative Playthings and got one. They deliver it and set it up that's what I was looking for. Also they were having a great sale and lifetime warranty.
I know you already got one, but just in case someone reads this still looking... BJ's has a really nice one. It is $899 I think, but they have $100 off coupons all the time. Redwood (looking) with the green plastic parts.
Yep, I got mine at Creative Playthings 2.5 years ago and it still looks brand new, and is as sturdy as the day we got it. It's great, and we're still trying to figure out how we're going to move it with us when we move.
We are going to try this group.... http://www.kidskornerplaysets.com there prices are reasonable and seem to do a good job!
Creative Playthings will dissasemle it and assemble it for you at your new house. I think they said it is the same cost as the installation fee, but I don't know what the installation fee is since they were running a special for free installation when we bought ours.
We have one from Creative Playthings as well, and I love it. I stood out there while the people were putting it together (to offer drinks and to make sure they weren't taking any shortcuts) and the kids absolutely love it. The problem is DH just put up a tire swing for the kids (yep, hang a rope from a tree branch and tie on a tire) and the kids love the tire swing and the $$$$ playyard is now secondary!! I think it's the same theory as the kids love playing more with the boxes at Christmas than they do with the toys that come in the boxes!