Where is everyone?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by gcoats3, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    What has happened to our 4042 posters? Recently this board seems dead. Moved to other discussion boards or what?
    cynadon likes this.
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I understand, and this has been my link home in all my travels, but at least as of my post yours was viewed 45 times!
  3. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    And 1 response. Now 2.
  4. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    Used to be a fun place to pass some time and chat with your "neighbors", it stopped being fun when those who have nothing to contribute but nasty or derogatory comments were allowed to over-run the board. I can't speak for anyone else, but that's why I don't participate much anymore or start threads, because you know some troll is going to come crawling out from under the bridge no matter what innocuous thing is said. I stop in for old times sake every few weeks..........but yeah, it's dead in here. It's a shame too, you used to learn a lot about the area here by conversing with your neighbors.
    Sherry A., kaci, Bucky and 6 others like this.
  5. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I was thinking this exact same thing today. I dont come around because most of you never paid me for my expert advice.

    Start a GoFundMe account for my benefit and I'll see what I can do to bring this place back to life.
  6. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    i agree with this analysis.
    Romeo, Wayne Stollings and Rockyv58 like this.
  7. Melon

    Melon Well-Known Member

    I check in a few times a week. I've found good advice and info on local doings. I don't post much as too many discussions devolve into unnecessary cantankerous nastiness. I send the good threads to my partner, who will not return after the UCN - and she enjoys spirited debate.
  8. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    We have became so thinned skinned as a society, anything and everything seems to offend us in one way or another. I have found that the ignore feature works wonderfully! :D
    Rockyv58 likes this.
  9. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    I don't think I said a word about being "offended"........off to dbl check.............NOPE, sure didn't. Let me clarify. I choose not to engage anymore because the BSC is allowed to run loose here. See the difference? I can assure you I am not the only one.......hence the dead website.
    tassy, Romeo, ECAVE and 2 others like this.
  10. Romeo

    Romeo Active Member

    I'm at home waiting for the snow to start again.
  11. Romeo

    Romeo Active Member

    But the ignore feature is no fun!
    Hught likes this.
  12. Romeo

    Romeo Active Member

    Not a whole lot going on at any of the other sites either. I've been reading these sites for over a year, but just started posting.
  13. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    I don't think I directed my comment to or at you........off to dbl check.............NOPE, sure didn't. Let me clarify. There are always going to be trolls and trouble makers on any site. Speaking for me, I do not have time for those types of posters but I rarely post anymore here or any site for that matter.

    Webbie has been gracious enough to include an ignore feature for the very people that have been discussed above. It works great and I no longer have to be bothered by said posters when I do decide to post or respond to a thread. I wish you a good day and a wonderful rest of the week!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
    BuzzMyMonkey and poppin cork like this.

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