I bet. I didnt miss it, I was just lucky enough to not hear it. rofl. oh and one for you kell bell!!!!
:jester::jester: I see you been being a good AUNTY TIT for your sister.....awww.....glad you're back even if it is for only a little while.....
I've missed you! You are very sweet, your DH and my DH are like 2 peas in a pod (cept for KC's DH) Miss you sugar sweetie pie honey bunches!:grouphug:
Hey!!!! that could be taken as an insult ya know:lol::lol::lol: i think Harley was referring to your DH, her DH, and my DH are peas in a pod, they are all 3 so laid back and easy going and friendly to everyone - whereas us 3 girls are all talkers and can be a bit hyper:lol:
your DH gets along well with us (DH, me, KC andher DH) because he's a country bunkin! (that's a good thing) Tell him we all said H -A-Y - E !!! (Hey) :lol: