Anyone know of a place that will do a wide range of learning disabilities testing AND if they'll take some type of insurance? We need to test some of our children. 2 have possible dyslexia or dysgraphia. Another one I am not sure what is going on but do know there is a problem w/ processing information. Just curious if anyone on here knows of a center to do testing for a wide range of learning disabilities. And NOT a center that will just say it's ADHD. I know they have that but I also know there is something else going on. Also, what is the cost of such testing if not covered by insurance? School testing over the years has proven quite inaccurate. I just got results today from one of my kids. School had said she had no learning disability and this is a major one and outside place found! Hence, why I want ot find out some other places that will test. Thanks in advance for your time. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Call the schools, they can put you in touch with who you need to contact, right off hand I cant remember but I know when they do the testing they do a full eval even though you are looking for something specific.
919.662.4499 call that number and they can help you, its the nc division of child dev number. they do testing for all children and they are located on Chapanoke Rd in Raleigh
Thanks so much!!! Will call first thing tomorrow. I appreciate that a bunch! Have a great evening. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Another good place is Dr. Durham in Cary (doctors vision center) My son has dysgraphia and dyslexia and they have really helped him. The exam and testing is covered by insurance, but the therapy is not. Sigh. We joke around that we have paid over $4000 and now he can finally look cross eyed!!! He has 20/20 vision, but there are several 'shorts' between his brain and his hands. He can take a spelling test oral, but not written??? He is in middle school and his handwriting is totally illegible, but he can type?? He has no directional aptitude, but with all this he is still 'academically gifted' and gets great grades. It has taken years of try this and try that to figure it all out, but we are making progress. I just re-read and saw you asked about the price for therapy, we pay $102.00 for a one hour session!!! Medical says it is educational, schools say it is medical, I couldnt get anyone to we charge it each week!!!
ljk---thank you , thank you, thank you!!!! That is part of the problem w/ 2 of mine we believe. Dysgraphia/ or dyslexia. Please if not too personal tell me how they go about testing. Or write me privately if you'd like. So, can you take them to any vision center for testing or does if have to be a specific vision center? I know w/ our daughter, dx'd today w/ CAPD(central auditory processsing disorder), there are only 2 centers in the entire triangle area that will test for it. We went to Capital ENT and it was very imformative and knew their stuff. Very happy w/ the care I received there. Please let me know if there are specific places that test for dysgraphia/dyslexia. Thanks again. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Dr. Durham was the only licensed person we found in the area. There is a lady in Apex that does it for half of the cost, but she is not working under any real doctor. My friend uses her and is happy, but the way this is supposed to work is the doctor sets the plan and the therapist administers it. Then the doc reassesses and keeps up with progress. This person WAS under a doc, learned her trade and left.... I sometime thinks I will change and her, they want my son to come 3 times a week, I can only 'afford' once, plus lots of homework. It was several years ago, so I don't remember it all. It was several hours, broken into multiple tests. Lots of looking at different points on a paper (from one piece to another-back and forth) and them watching what his eyes would do during these activities. They would actually vibrate! They had him do things like that while concentrating, then would ask him questions about himself and watch how he lost all concentration. Other things were like coping shapes and objects, Using a pencil and holding above a paper to hit small targets etc... (sorry hard to explain) PS- you met him when when we picked up the 2t clothes!!:-D
I have a child with a mild disability. The best place to start is at school. Set a meeting with the school and request testing in the catagories you are concerned with. the state is required to test all children for free if concerns are raised by the parents. with those test results you can then have a greater idea of where to turn. Also for help look into the autism web pages for mild forms of autism. after years of searching that ended up being our answer and the T.E.A.C.H. center in Garner on Aversboro Rd. will test for free through a program at UNC. I hope this helps and good luck.
The schools are not equipped for this type of testing. This is outside the norm, they test their eyes and say they are fine, test their IQ etc but are not able to test what was wrong in between. We had OT, EC, AIG all involved but no one could put a name to it or know what to do about it.
Wow! Had no idea we had a psych center so close. I'm thrilled you posted as I did not even know they were there. Thanks a bunch as we need some of their other services as well. And they take our insurance. Thanks again for taking the time to post this. Stephanie--mom to 7 kiddos!