My husband, myself and our four boys moved here about a year ago. Love the area, love many of the people, wouldn't do it any other way... Except for ONE thing... WATER!!! To make the LONNNNNNGGGGG story short, the weekend after Thanksgiving I started smelling something really strange in our kitchen. It, for a lack of a better description, smelled sort of like raw chicken. Well, I finally traced it back to where I thought it was coming from...the counter tops. Washed them down really well...felt accomplished...yeah, I did it! NOT! As we are getting ready to have a huge family sit down holiday dinner, my six year old announced that he had chased down the "chicken" was on the dishes! I was mortified...not only was it a great appitite killer, it was also this mystery and frankly, it seemed "unclean" to me so there wasn't any way I was going to hang out with that smell readily available. I called the builder, who then told me to call county water. They sent someone out...they unlocked my meter outside and told me to cycle my water a few times...yup, we already did that. night soon after I really did think I found the poison...the smell was coming from the dishes that had been in my dishwasher. Once they are taken out of the dishwasher they smelled "clean" but when they mixed with the air the chicken smell appeared. Eventually (we never timed it) the smell would evaporate. So, I thought it was my dishwasher. Easy enough, right?? If it were only that easy!! So far, up until that point, the only place I could smell it was in the kitchen. On the day that the plumber was going to come my oldest son ran down the stairs to announce that the upstairs bathroom had that "smell" too. I went round and round with suggestions, It's July, that was November. We have yet to get to the bottom of it. We've tried the suggestions that we've had...but it always seems to stay status quo. We live right off of Cleveland School Rd in a Scott Lee development. Does anyone have a clue that might get me closer to finding the REAL culprit??? I hate thinking that the smell is all over the house...HELP!!!
:? I don't have any idea of what could cause the strange odor,sorry! With our water it's more the feel(?) and appearance of the water than the odor.
could be improper venting of your septic, try sniffing the drains see if it is stronger there. All waste water goes to the septic/sewer gas could be trapped. Just a thought
could it be closer to a rotten egg smell? my mother in laws house has a water softening system in it, but the system is so old that her water taps and drains all smell like rotten eggs... even her dishes smell like that. It is not so much the softening system as it is just the age of the pipes... her home is over 40 years old. hope you find out what it is...good luck.8)
Time for a lawsuit? The builder needs to get to the bottom of it, and his team of plumbers that were used to put in the plumbing maybe? Just a suggestion.
Why is the first response a lawsuit?? Hello!! Give the dang builder a chance before you start throwing that word around. You catch way more flies with honey than vinegar. Now as to the OP...........did you buy the house directly from the builder? If not, you probably won't have much recourse if it was a re-sell. Did you have a home inspection? If you are the second owner, call a plumber. 8)
The reason I say lawsuit is because sometimes you need to say that to people to get their a$$ moving and not give you the runaround.
Do you have a garbage disposal in the kitchen sink? Is your house built on a slab or a crawl space? Have you drained and flushed the water heater or heaters? It sounds like a water heater problem. Have the plumber use a gas detector and check all the drains with a P trap for hydrogen sulfide after running the hot water. Poltergeist?:lol:
Really?? In my experience it has a tendancy just to tick people off, especially if you haven't given them a chance to rectify the situation. But if you want to be one of those type people, go for it.
if it was the hot water heater, they would have had the smell right off, so I stick to septic and bad venting, if the tank was pumped before they moved in it would take a while to fill and get enough solids to creat the gas that would back vent thru the system.:ack:
There are bacteria which can grow in a water heater which produce sulphur. We have that problem with a system we use infrequently and which happens to be on a well with a very high mineral content. The water itself has a slight odor, but the hot side is really bad after it has set for a while.
Not doubting that, but I would have thought the smell would have been there, right from the start if it were bacteria, either way, it stinks:jester:
Is the smell just in the kitchen? How does your water smell in your shower? If the smell is from all water sources, check to see if you smell it with both hot and cold running water or just hot and post a reply. If it is just the kitchen... that should narrow down the problem to the single source rather than a whole house water heater or water system.