who do you call for stray animals?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sirputz, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    I have a neighbor, and I don't know who, cause it's thru the wood line that allows his poultry to run free. Who do I call? Animal Control, the Sheriff? I've only lived in the house for 2 years and this is the first year we've seen the chickens. Normally, they wouldn't be a problem, but I've seeded my lawn, and they've just been scratching it up. I put compost down to fertilize it, and they've scratched it up. I'm tired of wasting money.

    If I don't get a good answer in the next 24 hrs, I'll be having BBQ Chicken for dinner this weekend!
  2. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    how many chickens? enough to have a 4042 barbecue? if so, please advise address and we are on our way.
    otherwise call johnston county sheriff dept.
  3. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    OOH chickens on the barby. Just make sure you have enough before you invite the Sheriffs ofice.
  4. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    there are 5 whole chickens, one big rooster and 4 others, sometimes 2 big roosters and 4 others.

    And they are not my next door neighbors, who placed a coop in his back yard tho the covenants forbid them.

    If he gets chickens, I will call the cops and explain to them we're not allowed to own a horse my daughter so badly wants, then why can he have poultry.

    Personally, I want a loud A$$ to annoy him and keep my weeds from growing in the summer time. LOL
  5. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    I don't that the cops are going to do a damn thing about a violation of covenants. As for the neighbor getting chickens, then I would get a couple of goats. They will keep your weeds down in the summer.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Are you my DH? :lol: Cause that's what he's been doing. He's deadly with a BB gun from the second story. :jester:

    We've fought this issue for 10 years. When DH kills enough of them, the butthead neighbor starts keeping them on his property. I've had vehicles scratched by their claws, poop everywhere, mulch scratched up, grass seed eaten, aggravating the dogs, you name it. I hate chickens.
  7. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    When I lived in the mid-west I had a neighbor with chickens that ran loose. I bought a bag of chicken feed and built a small coop box. I trapped all the chickens and put a large "Free Chickens" sign in my front yard. I gave away 8 of them before he saw the sign.

    The problem stopped.
  8. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to talk to the neighbor? Remind him of the covenants?

    This is why you couldn't pay me to live anyplace there is a HOA.
  9. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    We dont have an HOA, just covenants...they say they are in effect for 25 years from date of writing, which we're within, but i don't know/think they are enforced. I'm just abiding by them.

    The one neighbor, rents the house next door and has a coop, no chickens. The chickens that do come thru are coming thru the woods and not in our Subdivision at all. This is why I don't know who owns them. Google images don't show coops over there, and I can't be certain where the road to their driveway is. I am thinking I'm just gonna start making BBQ and we'll see what happens/ They've been eating my grass seed and tearing up my lawn. I'm tired of it.
  10. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    If you don't have an HOA, who enforces the covenants?
  11. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    It is each homeowner's pockets that get picked in that situation. I lived in a neighborhood with covenants, but no HOA. We all managed to respect the covenants, so it was no problem, but we were told at closing that we would have to fund the fight if we had a problem and wanted a covenant enforced.
  12. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    Picked by whom?
  13. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    The lawyer/court system, if you decide it is important enough to sue the offender over it. I never had to do it, but that is what we were told at the closing table when we moved into the neighborhood. Of course, it was the lawyer who told us that. He is now on the board of an HOA near my neighborhood that is having issues. Funny.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Are you truly this ignorant of common real estate practices? There are lots of S/D's that have restrictive covenants yet no HOA. It's very common, esp here. The rub comes when you have a butthead neighbor who decides not to follow them, then you may need to sue. That's the part the HOA would handle if there was one. You take your chances without an HOA. My S/D does not have an HOA, however the neighbor that causes me heartburn isn't part of the S/D so it wouldn't make a difference anyway.
  15. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest


    But the fact that I am ignorant of these practices is no call for you to be rude. I have questions, even more important now that I will be in the market for my first house.

    If you don't want me to ask questions, or more specifically, if you don't like reading my questions, please for the love of all that is good, true and right in the world, put me on ignore.
  16. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    It can't. It tells God what to do. But since you are to know exactly what IT does for a living you should know every and anything IT knows. Since you don't know God like IT does IT makes you ignorant. Regardless of what you do for a living. IT's a knower of all. It's a jerk wad.

    P.S. ou are ignorant for not knowing everything like it does. So don't be ignorant go get your realestate license or pretend to be one like IT.
  17. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    Calm down bubbles,,
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest


    If memory serves, you've house hunted before. Hence my confusion as to how you wouldn't know something so common.

    So....despite your board persona, you actually DON'T know everything. How about that! :cheers:
  19. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    Nope. I've thought about it, just before the housing bubble burst, but then, well, you know.

    I'm not sure what "board persona" you refer to. I never suggested, implied, alluded, signaled, or insinuated that I know everything, or even most of everything.

    I come on here and ask questions, which should suggest that I don't know everything.

    If you got that inference, it's all on you.
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's not an inference. 8) Perpetual motion ring a bell?

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