Who do you recommend for dog training?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Melynda, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I will soon have 2 dogs. The Brussels Griffon we took in this summer (he'll be 2 years old in March 2007) & a new Border Terrier. I would like for both of these dogs to go through a good training class. I would like my 7 year old son to be very involved in the training of the Border Terrier. I would also like to eventually get both dogs involved in Agility training. I think my son would have a great time working with the dogs in this capacity and I've heard that the dogs really enjoy this sort of thing. Who do you recommend that isn't too far away from the 4042 area? I'd like a trainer who is good with kids & small dogs. I plan to attend all the training classes - but I'd like my son to be the main handler of the Border Terrier during the classes. Thanks for your help.
  2. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    PM Zookeeper
  3. tame44444

    tame44444 Well-Known Member

    Sylvie's K-9 Solutions is great! Sylvie was a great trainer and she has classes at all times.
  4. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I love Sylvie .. she has a class specifically for small breed dogs, but small dogs are welcomed in to normal sized classes of course. In warmer weather, she also offers agility classes.
  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    What kind of money are we talking about for dog training?
  6. le

    le Well-Known Member

  7. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I have the current list/schedule of classes I can email out to anyone interested.
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info folks. One more question, our JRT just turned 3mo, what is the appropriate age to start Basic Training? i don't think i could afford both puppy and Basic Training.
  9. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I just checked Sylvie's webpage. She really needs to get it updated .. she's currently offering: Basic Manners, Basic Manners for Small Dogs, Advanced Manners/Canine Good Citizens (including certification exam), Field Trips, and Feisty Fidos Classes. Specialty Classes include Fun and Games with your Dog, Kids and K9s, Search and Rescue. Workshops are Cautious Canines (for dogs with anxious or fears of people or situations), and Grooming your Dog Painlessly. Current Seminars are Calming your Anxious Dog, Helping your Dog through Thunderstorms, Managing your Multiple Dog Household, Cat Bathing and Grooming without Drama, Pet Loss and Grief (this one's free!).

    These are all offered in several locations, at several different times.

    (No, I'm not getting paid for this endorsement! *grin* I've taken more than a few of Sylvie's classes, and it led me to become an assistant in several when my schedule permitted. I miss it!! )
  10. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    The best thing about puppy class is the socialization they get with other puppies.
    Basic Training usually jumps right in to obedience, but they should also learn how to socialize properly.

    It depends on where you go for training - the age limit can vary.
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    LMAO, trust me Elims, little Gracie gets plenty of socialization at my house. Between all our pets, our neighbor's pets, her brother (my son's dog) and my grandkids and neighbor kids, she definitely does not lack socialization:lol: She is really great about getting along with all the animals and the neighbors. She really is a sweet little thing.
  12. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    Training age

    Originally Posted by kaci
    Thanks for the info folks. One more question, our JRT just turned 3mo, what is the appropriate age to start Basic Training? i don't think i could afford both puppy and Basic Training.

    Keep in mind that some places won't take a dog until he/she has had a rabies shot, which my vet just told me will be around 16 weeks (for my small-sized dog).
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thanks Boston, that was my next question, i wasn't sure when she was due for her next round of shots. i have all the shot records from the breeder but she lives in another town so i need to set her up with the vet here.
  14. RE: Who do you recommend for dog training? ***GOOD INFO HERE


    Melynda, I have found that theeeeee best training facility is BON-CLYDE located in Sanford. I took Pippa there (my min-scnhauzer) back in the Fall of 2004 and got tons of awesome training not just for her, but for ME! After all the training is for the human, not the pet LOL! To me it was well worth the drive and the fee (prox. $99 for a seven week program) and Pippa really "ate it up" LOL! :p They even hand out diplomas for each course! To this day, with the info and training that I received from them, my track record for teaching her new tricks/commands, and recalling her on older commands, remains at a constant 100%! I kid you not! That is not to say that she SUBMITS on a 100% basis LOL, but certainly to say that the success rate of her UNDERSTANDING my commands! Believe it or not, I have even taught her my own sign language! Again I kid you not! So, with my being serious about teaching her some beyond-rudimentary commands (or however far YOU want to take it), my money is on them!

    However, if time and money are serious concerns for you, also consider watching CESAR MILAN, THE DOG WHISPERER on television or visit his website. I also swear by him and his philosophies for "training humans and rehabilitating dogs" (his own words)!

    Abundant Blessings!
    Kim Carter

    PS: The timeframe to begin training any pet begins AT THEIR BIRTH! And....theeeeee most important command your pet will ever learn....is its NAME! Any time you call their name, they should freeze where they stand and look back at you for cues and with anticipation! If not, you'll know that the core relationship is dysfunctioning on an elemental basis and needs to be changed!
  15. Tori

    Tori Guest

    Pet Training

    I would highly recommend Pet Smart at White Oak. The trainer there, Kelley G., is terrific. Prices are VERY reasonable too.
  16. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Not many places offer training specifically for children and their dogs. Each Spring, I offer free classes (8 weeks) to area students (parents must accompany) - it's a bit off, since this is winter, but if you are interested, pm me to get on the list. Class learns how to sit, stay, lay down, come, walk nicely on a leash, and a couple of tricks. Basically, it's the same as they would learn in an adult class.

    Also - with dog training, remember, it's also 'human training' ;-) All humans living under the roof giving the SAME command for the same expectation of the dog, makes life a lot less confusing for the dog/puppies.

    Best time for dogs to start classes? When the dog is 8 weeks of age or older - they need to have all of their shots prior to attending group classes.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  17. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Thanks for everyones suggestions!!! :) I think its about time for us to get serious and get our pups enrolled in classes. Next week Teddy will be getting his final booster shot so he will finally be able to hang out and play with other pups. I can't wait to get him out more so he can be better socialized (and better trained). I am definately going to take a look at all of your suggestions. Thanks Again Everyone!!!

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