I don't normally post stories of doom and gloom, but good Lord. Who kills a pregnant woman? And you know she couldn't have put up much of a fight, she was 8 months along. This just makes my heart hurt.
I know I read that yesterday. It's so sad, and she leaves behined two other small children. Terrible!
I hurt too for her and those precious children. Unfortunately, I came up on the scene, and saw her laying there, Police/Helicopters/Media everywhere, it was the weirdest feeling ever. As the details unfolded, my heart broke. I am still shaking my head. I pray the security cameras will have something to help find who did this.:cry:
Umm, Scott Peterson & (I'm speculating here) the husband of Michelle Young just to name a couple. Sadly, it isn't uncommon for men to kill their pregnant partners. I sure hope that wasn't the case for this young mother, but you never know these days. :-(
Another reason ALL WOMEN SHOULD CARRY A GUN, MACE, hammer, knife, .... whatever to try to protect themselves.