I never really though about it until today. I was complaining to someone about a horsefly that "stung" me. My friend said that unlike bees ... horseflies actually bite. When I checked Wikipedia I saw the following: The bite from a larger specimen is extremely painful, especially considering the light, agile, and airborne nature of the fly. Unlike insects which surreptitiously puncture the skin with needle-like organs, horse flies have mandibles like tiny serrated scimitars, which they use to rip and/or slice flesh apart. This causes the blood to seep out as the horsefly licks it up. They may even carve a chunk completely out of the victim, to be digested at leisure
I'm allergic to their bites- they swell up like a bee sting on me. Since we have a pool, they are a common problem in the summer when we are swimming. Does anyone know how to keep them away? Hubby saw a new and improved electric bug killer at Lowes that claims to lure and kill everything including mosquitos.
They are bad this year it seems....everytime I go outside I get stung/bite....if anyone knows how to get rid of these, please let me know!!
or put it at the very back corner of your yard, that's what hubby did and it really helps keep the bugs away from the pool
I HATE horseflies! There is always bound to be a few around my neighbors pool, and they will always bypass everyone else to bite me! I have a really nice welt on my back from getting bit this afternoon...:twisted: