If you're like me, you may be asking yourself that exact question. So out of pure boredom one day, I typed those words into google, and found this: http://www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com/ And per this site... So then I just got curious and started googleing these type sites and found a few more. I thought it might be interesting to see if they all said the same thing. There's this one: http://www.gotoquiz.com/who_s_your_pick_for_president_in_08 That said this: Then there was this one http://www.blogthings.com/whoshouldyouvoteforquiz/ Which said: This one was kinda neat http://www.votechooser.com/ And it split my votes, maybe that explains why I'm registered unaffiliated, lol www.Votehelp.org This one is cool too: And lastly http://www.politicalbase.com/toolbox/&action=takePersonalityTest&testId=8 Which told me: Anyway...I was bored, thought you guys might enjoy it....
those were very interesting....I too am registered unaffiliated. My results were: Obama Guiliani (LOL) McCain Obama Obama Obama
Whew those took a while: McCain Giuliani McCain McCain=5/Obama=5 McCain 89.18/Obama 88.98 Duncan Hunter 70% Tom Tancredo 70% Mike Huckabee 66 %
[FONT="]Barack Obama[/FONT] Obama Obama Barack Agreed on 7 disagreed on 3 McCain Agreed on 2 disagreed on 8 [FONT="]Barack Obama 89.96% match on issues. [/FONT] [FONT="]John McCain 73.80% match on issues. [/FONT] And Finally Chris Dodd - 65% - Who was my second choice in this horse race Barack Obama - 64% - Who was my forth choice in this horse race