Why do we have 2 fire depart. asking for money?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by carpetty, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. carpetty

    carpetty Guest

    I've lived in CREEKSTONE 10 years. I've donated EVERY time Cleveland & 50-210 fire dept. ask for donations. They EACH want $35.00 every time. I have STOPPED DONATION to either one. We are told by BOTH they provide fire & emergency services. NOT TRUE. I called Johnson County. We get Fire coverage from CLEVELAND. We get Emergency service from 50-210. Both want us to donate,,,,, TWICE as much if you give to both. I have NEVER seen such a dishonest way to collect money. We should have ONE fire department. We pay our taxes as if it's one service. Why can't we have a consolidated service? I can't afford to pay TWICE AS MUCH. ONE time ONCE A YEAR, OK NOT TWICE.
  2. HeidiB

    HeidiB Active Member

    There is another post on here about this. But you may get coverage from Cleveland but if they are already on a call, 50-210 may to called to help you. And also, 50-210 is the EMS that would most likely respond as there is no "Cleveland EMS". If you cant donate to each, that is fine...and everyone understands. But its not worth getting so angry over and complaining. Whatever department is available is going to help those in need, regardless of their location and regardless if they donated. Be easy on them....
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Not to mention the fact that you could be in either district and need help . . .car accident, medical emergency away from home, etc.
  4. cvfdcaptain

    cvfdcaptain Well-Known Member

    here it is,,,,

    Creekstone SD is on the boundry lines of both 50-210 FD and Cleveland FD,depending on the street you live on will dictate what FD you get. With that said,Creekstone is fully serviced by 50-210 EMS for Medical coverage,HOWEVER!!!! if you live in the part that is covered by us,(Cleveland FD) and you need medical attention, you will get Cleveland First Responders along with the normal response from 50-210 EMS...NOW ON TO THE $$$ ISSUE,,, if you pay property taxes in the McClemore Fire Tax District, that goes to Cleveland Fire Dept, "I have NEVER seen such a dishonest way to collect money" WAIT A MINUTE!!!! it is (was ) a FUNDRAISER for the Cleveland Firefighters Association,,,(search for my prior post on same,,) and if you dont want to or cant afford to, thats ok,, it will still never affect the level of service you recieve,,,now as far as the consolidated service, thats out of our hands,,, call your county commisioners,,, Dont make it out as if we are going around begging for money,,cause we aint!!!
  5. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I saw the "NO SOLITICATION" sign near the entrance of the subdivision. I guess that solves that problem - neither is now allowed to enter the subdivision and ask for donations.

    To all those parents in the subdivision - you are no longer allowed to go around your immediate area to ask if any of your neighbors would like to help out the local schools at the beginning of the year. Take those things to work and pester your co-workers.
  6. bbfan

    bbfan Guest

    If you TRULY can not afford $35 to both- a whopping total of $70 a year to help make sure these VOLUNTEER fire departments have the funds to help you in an EMERGENCY then do not give. But PLEASE do not whine and complain about VOLUNTEER fire departments asking for money! They may save a life that is important to you one day, and that is worth all the money in the world!!!!! And, no- I have no relative that works for either- I just truly appreciate the time and effort these men and women put into their VOLUNTEER work. I have never needed them thank goodness- but I sleep and watch my kids play a little easier- knowing they are there.
    PS- I think the EMS are paid- but either way- our taxes would be way higher if we had paid fire departments like Raleigh!!!!!

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