Lord knows I try to understand. in this case, I am beyond comprehension. And my feelings of mercy towards these perps is zero. They made the choice to do this, and now should pay the price. No plea bargains, no reduction of sentence. They've proved they're not fit for human society.
OMG! I was just reading this too! I grew up in Chapel Hill - with some Minton boys - I just emailed my sis to see of its the same family.......unbelievable, WTH were they thinking.........:cry:
and these guys are from the family I know..... the elder Minton is their cousin (didn't know him - younger than me)........just sickening!!! My sis said, the younger Minton boy has been trouble a lot! :neutral:
This story just gets worse and worse......can't believe people can be so mean and stupid! :evil: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/3559846/ Hillsborough, N.C. — A man accused of shooting and killing a Chapel Hill man says he was kidnapped by two of his alleged accomplices and held against his will. Matt Johnson, 21, is one of six men charged with first-degree murder in the July 29 shooting death of Joshua Bailey. Authorities say Johnson shot Bailey with a .9 mm handgun and helped bury him in a shallow grave near the Chapel Hill home of one of the other suspects. Two of the suspects in Bailey's homicide – Brian Gregory Minton, 18 and Jacob Alexander Maxwell, 18, are each charged with first-degree kidnapping. A third person, Sarah Krombach, 23, also faces one count of first-degree kidnapping. A search warrant, returned Monday, indicates that on Aug. 17, Krombach allegedly drove him to Pittsboro Body Shop in Pittsboro, where she worked. There, Johnson said, he was tied with a chain and bound at the ankles with duct tape, kicked and beaten with a metal pipe. Minton also allegedly pointed a handgun at Johnson and threatened to kill him, the search warrant stated. The three then took Johnson to Krombach's house, where they held him overnight. It was the next day, Johnson claims he used a Sharpie marker to write on a billiards cue ball that he needed help and then threw it out a third-floor window of the home, according to the warrant. Johnson, Minton and Maxwell are each being held in the Orange County jail without bond in connection with Bailey's death. Orange County authorities found his body last Friday near Jordan Lake in Chatham County. Three other men – Brandon Hamilton Greene, 26, Ryan Ladar Davis Lee, 20, and Jack Johnson II, 19 – are also charged with murder in Bailey's death and are being held without bond. Three other people, including Minton's parents, are each in jail under a $1 million bond on a charge of accessory after the fact to first-degree murder.
He was charged with sexual assualt in 2007. http://www.ncwanted.com/ncwanted_home/story/3549764/ My thoughts are with Joshua's family. I don't know how they will ever be able to come to terms with this.
It just throws me for a loop how 8 people knew about this and nobody came forward .... How can they live with themselves??? :x