Considering buying a Wii for Christmas. There are various packages with accessories. What accessories are really needed and used most often?
You need two complete controllers (with Numchucks!) We really like the rechargeable controllers- and battery charger. Kids like the balance board-- gets them more active.
Ditto on the two complete controllers (with Numchucks!) All the other stuff is EXTRA and not really needed. Do not waste your $$$ on the golf club/tennis raquet or baseball bat add on's - they are mostly JUNK! We do love the DDR pads. But they were a DEAL & it's very fun to have a "DANCE OFF" . I love the EA Active disk- vert much like Wii Fit. Great work out's + you car -really- chart your progress. + It's FUN!
we have four controllers and 4 steering wheels.....a must have for Mario Brothers. But 2 controllers works for everything else. We love bowling and tennis.
have two complete controllers a rechargable docking station that also has a fan to keep the console cool. Have DDR which is fun when you've had a few adult beverages. And Tiger Woods golf is fun as well, provided someone likes actually playing golf. We also have the fit but aside from creating my mii I haven't used it, but the wife has.
:iagree: And I agree with those that have the docking station for charging the controllers, that comes in very handy! Anyone get Wii Resort yet?
Agree with 2 complete with numchuks. The tennis racket, golf club, etc assessment is correct as well, they are junk! If you are planning on getting Guitar hero, Buy the brand name guitar!!!! The knock-off is junk. Can buy the game and the guitar in a package deal. When your kid wears out the guitar, buy a brand name replacment. Also reccommend an extra controller, if you get this, as a controller will alway be in the guitar. Wii Play used to come with a controller, not sure if it still does. Fun games on it, but kind of simple.
Would also recommend getting it early... last two years they've ran out locally and folks was spending way too much to buy it off the internet. I got the basic package with one controller and sports game. Then bought the Wii play which comes with another controller for basically the same cost as the controller itself. Def want to spend another 20 bucks for the extra nunchuck too! This thang is too much fun, ya'll will love it. PS, I'll challenge any of ya'll to a game of Wii tennis. Come get some.
BJ's has a great deal that includes the console, 4 games, 2 nunchucks, 2 controllers and 1 steering wheel for $399 They also have the charger / fan dock there for a good price.
The best part of a Wii is the controller!! For around $15 in self built pen / glasses you can use the controller to turn your PC screen (or projector) into an Electronic White Board!! And a 3D viewer!! Johnny Chung Lee