Wildcat Club Annual Golf Outing

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Wildcatfun, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. Wildcatfun

    Wildcatfun Guest

    Date: Friday, August 22,2008
    Time: Shotgun Start 9:00 am
    Place: Reedy Creek Golf Club
    Cost: $60.00 per person $240 per team
    Cost includes green fees, cart, meal, and prizes

    More info and forms on www.wjhsathletics.com
  2. toysrmel.com

    toysrmel.com Well-Known Member

    Come support the Wildcat Coaches and students!
  3. wildcatbooster

    wildcatbooster Active Member

    I agree. Come out and enjoy a chance to play golf with friends and support our athletes at WJHS. If you like to talk sports, come join us and maybe even request playing with a specific coach. Our coaches are great people and always enjoy the opportunity to meet members of our community and shoot the breeze. Great golf, great conversation, great food... a chance to get away from work for a day and be on the golf course. Not a bad deal for your donation that will support hundreds of Wildcat athletes.

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