Wilson's Mills Elementary School Activity Update

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    From Nov. 27-Dec. 8
    Wilson's Mills Elementary School is collecting food items for Christmas dinners for the Salvation Army, they are collecting the following items:
    *Stuffing,Sweet Potatoes,Corn,Green Beans,Cranberry Sauce,Macaroni and Cheese,Cake Mix, Icing,and Bread.*


    From Nov.27-Dec.8
    Wilson's Mills Elementary School is also collecting Winter Wear for our "Winter Wear Christmas Tree". There is a Tree placed the School for anyone to place hats,gloves,scarves,etc. on the tree. These items will be given to the needy.


    Also, a reminder Wilson's Mills Elementary School is still accepting donations for our "Reins from Above Project". (The School is sponsoring a child with cerebral palsy and paying for his theraputic riding lessons.)

    Any questions: call Christina Strayer @ 934-2978
    School Counselor
    Wilson's Mills Elementary

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