WJHS Baseball Playoff Schedule

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by littleman, May 6, 2008.

  1. littleman

    littleman Well-Known Member

    Was curious if anyone had any info about dates and times?
  2. wsresident

    wsresident Well-Known Member

    First Round - Friday Night

    All I know for certain is the WJHS Baseball team will be playing this coming Friday night, at home, 5-9-08. Typically, start time for regular season conference games is 7:00pm, but I'm not certain it will be the same for the playoff schedule.

    I know there were a few schools still making up games from previous rainouts this week, which may postpone the posting of the brackets if the win or loss of those games impacts the final standings in each conference. He did mention WJHS potentially could be playing Green Hope or Lee County, but I think as of last night that was still undetermined.

    You would think I'd know more, my husband is the WJHS varsity coach :) I'll ask tonight and post an update if he has a bracket yet for 4-A.
  3. jcclifton

    jcclifton Guest

    Heres a bright idea support the fine arts dept. at West Johnston come see Les Miserables The Musical this Thursday - Saturday at 7:00 or Sunday at 3:00
  4. wsresident

    wsresident Well-Known Member

    Game Specifics

    The baseball game is this Friday night, versus Green Hope HS, 7:00pm at WJHS. Once the brackets are finalized, they will be posted here for all those interested in any local games:


    There were still games occuring last night to determine tiebreakers positions, so they should be finalized sometime today I've been told.

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