Go Wildcats! Go!!! Next up - (please correct me If I have this all wrong) #8 West Johnston (7-3) VS #9 Millbrook (8-2) Any word WHEN the game will be & Where? Were in the Eastern Region with power house Garner & Clayton per TV5's website. TX!
The higher ranked team is the host for the playoffs. West Johnston will be at home and kickoff should be at 7:00Pm on Friday, November 9.
Sorry I did not see this post. Game definitely will be at West Johnston and you may be right about the 7:30 kickoff time.
Thanks Very Cool!!! Go WJHS! I hope we can make it Friday night! DS would love to root for the home team & see the super star band!
The games normally start at 7:30pm...haven't heard otherwise. I thought this great! Haven't heard of this happening before... :-D Wildcats thank, reward fans By Ryan Bisesi, Correspondent Benson — West Johnston’s regular season had just ended, but, for the players, there was still work to be done. Following the Wildcats’ 27-26 win over Southeast Raleigh, legions of young men in green and black marched up through the grandstand to thank their loyal fan base that was part of the best season in school history. It was simply time to give back. “It never makes the papers, but we just wanted to thank the community,” said Dixon. “They’ve been very supportive this year, from the churches that fed us a pre-game meal every week to the band who’s traveled with us to all the friends and family of the players. “It’s just been tremendous support for the football program.”
Also - since the BPA already had their Reverse Raffle dinner scheduled for this Friday night in the school cafeteria, we are offering 'dinner only' tickets for 20.00, which includes steak, salad, rolls, dessert and drink. If you'd like to buy a Reverse raffle ticket, they're $100, and includes the steak dinner for two. If you plan to come for dinner only - there will be other games and raffles going on that you can still win prizes for. COME ON OUT, HAVE A GREAT MEAL AND SEE A GREAT GAME! :-D :-D :mrgreen:
West wins and Garner wins, next week will be at Garner. Garner should have home field througout as long as they win since they are the #1 seed. Go Trojans.
Unfortunately the Wildcats football season ended tonight. They lost to Millbrook 62-31. I'm a band parent and very good friends with football parents. It has been wonderfully refreshing to see both programs and the entire student body enjoying and supporting this year's season. Way to go Wildcats! Just wait til' next year!!!
we went to the West/Garner game friday and it was awesome!! glad to see west playing some great football!!! the line to get in went on forever! anyone know how #21 is doing? possible ankle injury????
YES, Whooped up on GARNER. the N&O story below. West Johnston 20, Garner 13 GAR --- WJO Rushes-Yards 28-94 28-262 Comp-Att-Yards 7-15-44 7-11-125 GAR 0 7 6 0 - 13 WJO 7 7 6 0 - 20 SCORING SUMMARY WJO--C.Frederick 84 pass from L.Morton (G.Gonzalez kick); WJO--C.Frederick 55 run (G.Gonzalez kick); GAR--T.Hunter 2 run (B.Howell kick); GAR--B.Howell 1 run (kick blocked); WJO--C.Frederick 29 run (kick failed). INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Rushing: GAR--J.Conyers 10-44, M.Brantley 8-24, C.McLaurin 1-23, K.Johnson 3-7, B.Howell 4-(-1), T.Hunter 2-(-3); WJO--C.Frederick 26-224, D.Ray 3-22, M.Umphrey 5-15, J.Proctor 1-9, L.Morton 3-(-8). Passing: GAR--B.Howell 7-15-44-0; WJO--L.Morton 7-10-125-1. Receiving: GAR--T.Hunter 0-52-0, J.Conyers 0-(-8)-0; WJO--C.Frederick 0-89-1, D.Anderson 0-18-0, D.Ray 0-11-0, M.Umphrey 0-6-0.
My son is on the team and from what I heard from him, Mally has a knee injury and will be getting a MRI today.
Don't know all that stats but West won their game Friday night against Holly Springs. 41-31. They are now 6-0. Way to go Wildcats!
I wonder when the new high school is completed on Polenta Rd how it affect the talent pool at WJHS. I also wonder what it will leave WJHS as. Will it be 2A? 3A? And for that matter the new school as well. Oh well there's a while yet.
I think they both could be 3A, but not sure which conference they would move into. The new high school might/should also reduce the numbers at SJHS & Clayton. The new school should make a major difference at West. Good & Bad...
West will stay 4A. The school will not be as big as West. It is only hold 1600 max. It will be a 3A school.