Hi all--I realize this probably belongs in the Community Schools forum, but for some reason I can't post there. So... The rumor is that the principal of West is proposing to relocate the Freshman Academy out in the trailers outside the school. This would mean that every incoming freshman would spend the majority of their days out in the trailers! Frankly, I'd be ****ed if I learned that my 8th grader was about to spend a year in the trailers. Anyone else have any news of this or any opinions? DOHC
i have 2 kids at CHS one just finished his freshman year in a freshman academy -- other than being separated from the upper-class students i saw very little evidence that the rest of the program was in place and truly working --i was very frustrated by the fact that this was being touted as the solution for students to help ease their transition and to insure their strong academic performance -- theoretically a student's teachers were to talk among themselves to see the progress of individual students -- and to find out if a student was struggling across the board or in a single subject -- the home base teacher is supposed to be more of an advisor not just the one who sends out papers and takes up money or whatever -- my personal experience was that it is a program in physical location and name only at CHS-- it takes strong leadership and teachers who are committed to the program in addition to their subject area to be otherwise and i just didn't see that at CHS this year
Wow! I have one more year before I'll have another student at WJHS but I already know that would not want him in trailers all day. To me, that would feel like some sort of punishment. When I was a freshman at CHS, it was the best year of my high school years. Of course, we had an awesome principal that year (he left after that year :-() and our school wasn't overcrowded (can y'all imagine about 500 students TOTAL at Clayton High?!) I think it is important for the incoming freshman to be treated like the rest of the students, not like outcasts. Maybe this an example of why I'm not hearing good things about this principal, and why people miss Dr. Harris so much. :neutral:
I have never had a student in high school in Johnston County. (College DD was in a charter high school) What is Freshman Academy? Both of my kids have had a few years (each) in trailers at one school or another and to us it wasnt a big deal. Maybe I am missing something.
If I taught at a school that had an "open" vote for the school improvement plan, I would be on the phone with NCAE so fast it would make their heads spin. That is NOT the way the vote is conducted and according to our NCAE uniserve director in Johnston Co, it is illegal. Hopefully, someone will speak up before Monday. As far as the Freshman Academy goes...it was in its first year at CHS this year. I do believe the idea is great, but there are soem bugs that need to be worked out. I see it beinga very positive thing for the kids.
My oldest just finished his freshman year at West and it was a fine year. He did get to have some Honors classes and (besides band) had upperclassmen in other classes. His experience has been positive. He says the discipline issues (which are rare) don't have anything to do with upperclassmen mixing with the freshmen. My opinion is that the discipline issues come from kids whose parents let them do whatever they want to and make excuses for their bad behavior. My observation is that the discipline issues are worse at the middle school where they ignore the bullies on the bus and in the hall (my two at the middle school feel like filling out an incident report is an exercise in futility)...they have to learn to look out for themselves and they do and the bullies back down...it's a chance for them to learn that life is not fair and you deal with it and move on. It's a chance to learn that even teachers are human and they can have bad days too... forgive them and move on. It doesn't matter if your child is inside, outside or upstairs. Be an involved parent; Hold your child accountable for their decisions; Partner WITH the teachers instead of assuming they are out to get your kid... your child will pattern their attitude after yours...
My oldest was a freshman at West this past year, too. He also had a great year with no troubles. I am really proud of how well he did and I sure hope it continues! Freshman Academy worked for him. I am not so sure about the whole trailer issue, but with the teachers they have in place, I hope it will work out okay. They are good folks. So sad that Hoyle moved to NYC!
I personally would have no problem with it. They already keep freshmen in their own wing at WJHS. I think it is just fine & that would ever bugs need to be worked out I am sure will be. My daughter will have one more year to wait to get there. I would only have concern for security & bathrooms & water. I would want to make sure water was accessable & bathrooms ; not to have to walk back into school for that. Security mainly that someone is back there so nothing would happen with an "outsider". It beats going to school in shifts like I had to do & that was in the 5th grade in NY. Schools closed & they had to move everyone. It took sometime to get used to. I am sure they will work something out for them. If you want to blame anyone blame I think it would be the county commissioners for not allowing schools to be built any bigger. WJHS should have been built much bigger they are over capacity right now by I think close to 1k. Anyway that is my take on it. Good Luck