Wondering if there's any place that

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JCoRes, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    RENTS guitars out ? Like a music store or somewhere along those lines... hoping since violins get rented out that somewhere guitars do to but I'm not having much luck :banghead:

    My DD decided she wanted to do guitar. But with the expense of a guitar, wondering if any place rents them out that y'all may readily know of. I don't want to buy one then she not like learning to play it afterall. I could buy a used one but being I wouldn't know what to look for and such, I don't want to get "had" on being "guitar stupid"

    The Neighborhood Music down by Guy Rd doesn't rent them so that's outat the question...
  2. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Music & Arts in Cary might. That's where a lot of the kids in band rent their instruments, not sure if they have guitars, but it's worth a try. Here's their number: (919) 854-0024.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  3. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    I would try music and arts as well, but have you looked into a pawn shop or craigslist? You could probably pick one up for about 3-4 mos rental there, when my ds decided he wanted to give a bass guitar a try, we were ableto get him on at a pawn shop for a little over $100. Just a thought :)
  4. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    OH I forgot to add, send her over here for some free lessons! We have two guitar players in the family! :)
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pawn shop or craigslist route vs rental, some things it is just cheaper to buy and then resale if it does not work out.
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Are you talking acoustic or electric? If she's interested in guitar, you need to know which she's most interested in. Putting an acoustic in the hands of a kid that truly wants to learn the electric guitar could discourage her.

    You can get a decent brand-new electric guitar fairly affordably. Go to Sam Ashe on Capital Blvd. and look at the Ibanez GS series Jump Start kit or the similar Squier from Fender. Our son has a Ibanez that we got brand-new (with amp) for less than $300. Its the 3/4 sized Mikro GS, which is good for younger players. Its the same as the GS, just a bit shorter and it can shred. (There's a guy on a youtube.com that can play the fool out of his daughter's Mikro.)
    It comes with a very good instructional DVD, also. The Ibanez GS & GS Mikro are great bangs for the buck. Plus, they'll hold their value pretty well so you can always sell it and recover most of your money should she decide she doesn't want to learn.

    Renting would be okay, but I'd bet even if you could find one for rent, you'd probably pay more per month than you'd want.

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