Anyone know the name of the business that has a sign on the side of HWy 70 Business towards smithfield that states they do sheds & playgrounds? There is a bunch of sheds and wood chips everywhere. Thanks
Someone mentioned the place on 70 in garner int he Gazebo thread but this place is on 70 business towards Smithfield on the right hand side.
Isn't that Byrd's? At least it used to be if its the one that was beside the old day care...also owned by Byrd. Having met him several years ago at that location, I'd definitely not buy from him...if its still his establishment. If I were truly wanting something similar, I'd buy from Saltwood Products out of Kinston. Very professional business.
There's Red Barn Landscaping, but I don't think they do sheds or playgrounds. I worked there for a while. Bobby Hardee Landscaping. There's a guy just south of 42 on Amelia Church that has sheds.
We got our shed from him. Nice shed - nice man... don't remember the price though. DH prolly does but he's not here. :neutral: