This was running on News 14 today. This law should be very helpful to many who are currently paying a high cost for Cobra insurance:
We saw it on there as well! This is HUGE news. Our daughter lost her job in February and has not found another one yet. She desperately needs health insurance because she is diabetic (even though she rarely has issues) and would never have been able to afford COBRA. We will be watching for the COBRA paperwork in the mail and making sure they are only asking her to pay the 35% she should!
This new law should make a huge difference for many families. My family has been on Cobra insurance since August. We have to pay over $1300 per month for insurance. We missed the cutoff date so the new law doesn't apply to us. Because I have a child under the age of 2 & my husband had knee surgery recently, most insurance companies won't touch our family ... or at least not for a price less than we are already paying for Cobra. We've been tempted to drop the insurance, but I know with my luck, the minute I did that, we'd be faced with some type of financially devastating medical emergency.
No US citizen should have to pay $1300 to insure the health of their family! Something is drasticly wrong with our system when health care insurance costs as much or more than a mortgage payment. Melynda, The Department of Labor is administering this stimulous program. They do have an appeal process. It can't hurt to give them a call and file an appeal? And because the employer funding the Cobra gets a tax break if you get the subsidy, I'm sure they'd be more than glad to help you in any way. Here's the link: DOL Cobra The program does have earnings limits on those requesting the subsidy. "Individuals earning more than $125,000 or couples earning more than $250,000 who receive the subsidized premiums must repay the subsidy as an additional tax, or waive the right to the subsidy."
Thanks for the Info. I called the DOL right after I read your message. Unfortunately, the benefits advisors are all tied up with meetings until 11 this afternoon ... but hopefully they will have some helpful advise when I get to talk with them
Does anyone know, and pardon me if it's a stupid question, if it's nationwide or just NC? My Mom was permanently laid off last week. You may remember she was seriously hurt last year and is not completely recoverd yet. :?
The individual I spoke with at the DOL said she wasn't able to provide any suggestions - but she did recommend I call the State Dept of Insurance? 800546-5664. I guess it never hurts to try