WRAL line up

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ginger1989, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    Where are the shows that are supposed to be on tonight going to be on or are they just not on???? I am so tired of getting half a program b/c of basketball.
  2. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    They will not be on at all tonight or tomorrow night. The NCAA tournament is a CBS (national) broadcast, so any regular CBS programs are not broadcast at all, anywhere. When basketball is a local broadcast such as the ACC tournament or regular season game, that's a local station decision, and as I understand it, local stations are required to show the CBS programs at a different time.
  3. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    TBS ???
  4. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

  5. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    If those programs had a fraction of the rating of hoops, they would be on instead.
  6. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    You know, I just went through the Top 100 TV Shows of All Time and not one single basketball (NBA or college) game was on the list. (Curiously "Beverly Hillbillies" is on the list 16 times, the only TV show with more entries (29) is the Superbowl)

    So, by your logic, March Madness could be pre-empted for a "Beverly Hillbilles" episode. :jester:
  7. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Is basketball classified as a "TV Show?" I wouldn't think so.
  8. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Is the Superbowl classified as a "TV Show"? How about the Olympics? World Series? Miss America Pagent?

    All of these were broadcast in the past fifty years. All of these were listed in the top 100 for ratings. There are football games (both the NFC Championship as well as the Superbowl), baseball games, and even the Olympics. Heck, there's even a couple of Miss America pagents, which is technically not a sport, but it is a competition.

    But no basketball.

    Seems like, except maybe in North Carolina, basketball just isn't that popular of a sport. :jester:
  9. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    I aint got no problem with this. Where did the boys from Hazzard County fall by chance?
  10. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    So are you saying sporting events were on your top 100 list? I didn't look at the link. You need to also consider what the hoop tourney is running up against.


    Here's last Friday's ratings.
  11. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I just looked at your link. One thing to notice is the info is 12 years old.

    The NFL is growing by leaps and bounds with each passing year. I'd bet the Super Bowls since 2000 are closer to the top than those listed on your link.
  12. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    That was the point of this whole thing. You had made the comment that:

    I see the problem. Those programs don't have a fraction of the ratings that basketball games have. In fact it's the other way around, basketball has a fraction of the ratings that normal TV shows have.

    Big Bang Theory has huge ratings, but is pre-empted by basketball, which has much lower ratings. Heck, even ¡Rob! had higher ratings than basketball.

    So, to make a long post not so long, it has nothing to do with ratings. Other shows, which appeal to a much more diverse viewership and consistently have higher ratings, are pre-empted for a bunch of unnaturally tall guys making millions of dollars** to play a child's game.

    ** No, in college sports the players don't make the money, their schools do.
  13. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    When you compare Thurs ratings, you might be onto something. But as I identified with my link, Friday is a blowout in favor of hoops.

    I don't have the data before me but I'd guess Saturday and Sunday also favors hoops. Also consider, ratings will (should) ramp up as the tourney winds down. So you need to look at the total package instead of the Thurs night ratings on the opening weekend.

    Let's be honest here, CBS wouldn't shell out billions of dollars for the broadcast rights if it didn't draw crazy numbers. Every network in the country bids on the tourney rights.
  14. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Once again, the numbers don't agree with your statement. As shown on the top 100, basketball doesn't even make the list (I'm sure there was basketball 12 years ago).

    It has nothing to do with ratings, but it does have to do with money. Lot's of schools pay CBS (and the rest of the network/cable stations) to broadcast the games as an advertisement for their schools.
  15. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Your Big Bang numbers were before the tournament began.

    How many of those Big Bang viewers watched the tournament? You can't assume those numbers would stay that high if viewers had a choice between the two.
  16. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Sorry Cliff....you are wrong. The bolded statement alone is LOL worthy. CBS pays the NCAA which then doles out to the participants. Schools don't pay TV....TV pays the NCAA for the tourney and conferences for the rights to show regular season broadcasts. You're gonna have to trust me on this one as this falls right into my wheelhouse.

    Comparing a basketball tourney vs ALL TIME shows is crazy. We are not comparing tonight's games vs the final episode of MASH. We are comparing against whatever is regularly scheduled for CBS tonight. I can assure you with every ounce of my fiber that the NCAA as a whole outdraws whatever else CBS would be showing in its place. If it didn't, CBS wouldn't show it.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  17. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    My lord, it's like talking to a child.

    (For the last time) You said that the reason the shows were pre-empted was because they didn't have the same ratings as the basketball games.

    I proved to you that the ratings for shows like "The Big Bang Theory" were far and away higher than for the basketball games. I even showed you ratings where a second rate program like Rob! even has higher ratings than a basketball game.

  18. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I see you are getting frustrated and it's easy to see why.... your vision is failing you and you can't read my responses.

    If you believe the CBS suits are ignorant to the facts on ratings and blindly throw around billions of dollars not knowing the ramifications then so be it. I've calmly explained why you are wrong and you either can't understand or just stubborn to the idea that you are wrong.

    Anybody that believes schools pay the networks, as you wrote above, is fishing in the wrong waters anyway.

    Time to go grab a beer. Cheers. :cheers:
  19. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Let's drop the money to the schools and just talk about your statement:
    I have shown you twice that basketball's ratings aren't as large as you believe.

    Specifically "The Big Bang Theory" which was pre-empted last night by basketball.

    I have shown you that "The Big Bang Theory" had higher ratings than basketball (11.10 for "The Big Bang Theory" compared to 7.01 for Basketball) on the same night (Thursday).

    Now, when you said:
    It was obviously hogwash.

    If "The Big Bang Theory" has higher ratings than basketball, why would CBS pre-empt it? To use your words...

    Oh, and your statement that:
    Is downright bizarre to say the least. Of course they were before the tournament began. After the tournament began "The Big Bang Theory" was pre-empted so it's ratings are zero.

    Then there was the statement
    Why not? If the ratings for "The Big Bang Theory" are half again as high as basketball, why not presume they would stay that way?
  20. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    For the simple fact that if I am a fan of the team playing I'll DVR the Big Bang or catch it later on HULU, and while I can DVR the game and watch it later it is not the same as watching it live, while a PRE-RECORDED show such as Big Bang is the same whether I watch it at it's regularly schedule program time or 3 hours later.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012

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