WRAL tells of 99% kill rate at shelter

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Tbo, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Tbo

    Tbo Active Member

    Check out WRAL video of the Montgomery county shelter. Looked up Johnston county and we are euthenizing about half of the dogs and 90% of the cats. It is more humane that Montgomery Co. is using lethal injection with their limited budget. Johnston Co. continues to use the gas chamber even though it costs more and it is cruel and inhumane.

    Wral link: http://www.wral.com/nc-shelter-kills-99-percent-of-animals-records-show/11778189/

    Here's the link to the data for all NC shelters.

    A group here in Johnston Co is taking on signatures to bring in volunteers and stop the gas chamber. Here's their link: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/citizens-for-animal-shelter-reform/

    Send the Johnston County Commissioners your email, ask to stop the gas chamber and allow in volunteers. Here is the link:
  2. mayday

    mayday Well-Known Member

    That is heartbreaking...wish I owned or worked for a construction company to help Montgomery County improve the shelter & get that adoption center built.

    Thanks for posting all the JC stuff too - already had signed the petition, keeping fingers crossed it will help change things here too.

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