Okay, do y'all wrap gifts from Santa? I used to, because it stretches Christmas morning out a bit more, but then I had my fourth child and it became too much work. Just curious as to what others do with the Santa stuff. (Clif, does Santa deliver wrapped or unwrapped? )
At my house, anything from Santa has always been out of the box, put together and ready to be played with. So no, it's never been wrapped.
We have always wrapped "Santa" gifts and stocking items in different paper than the other presents...but at our house, Santa never gives the "good" gifts! haha! He gives books, videos, clothes, smaller toys, etc....and the big gifts come from mom n dad.
Mom and Dad's personal presents to us kids were wrapped, you know, the pants, the socks, etc., but the good stuff, fun stuff was usually unwrapped, under/around the tree, and goodies in our stockings. We've continued this with our kids, never thought about doing it any other way, though I know others do.
I do the opposite of dephygravity...mom & dad give the clothes, books and usually 1 or 2 toys, santa gives big gifts. and they're always wrapped, unless it's something really big like a bike.
I have done both. My parents left the toys unwrapped and ready for use when I was a girl, like Jen said. I did that to, for my boys, when they were littler, but now, they get one or two (expensive electronic) things, and some stocking stuff, so I usually wrap, to prolong. I usually buy one 'special' roll of paper to use only on Santa stuff, never to be seen or used again. :mrgreen:
Always been wrapped in a differant kind of paper. Well this yr will most likely be the last yr for santa so we are making the most of it, well at least my parents are. Sheri
Unwrapped, of course. For the same reason you do. You have four and gave up wrapping, image four million!
And I forgot to mention, I do use different paper that no one has access to, my oldest is 8 and I think he's starting to "catch on" to the truth...things in stockings are never wrapped also. Although I've never done it, I like the idea of having everything put together and ready for kids, maybe I'll do that next year. Although you definitely need a good hiding spot, since I start my shopping early...
My kiddo is really scrutinizing each package that gets delivered to the house right now....................we normally get a lot of delivery's for DH's work, but he isn't falling for that line right now. :? Now I am having stuff delivered to work, that's working great for DH too! :lol: But back to the topic at hand, I leave some unwrapped, the bigger items he asked for, but wrap the smaller stuff in different paper like others have said. I have a feeling this is the last year for Santa at my house too. He's 8, I honestly think he is just humouring us this year. :-(
I think you're right about that age thing...Mine will be 8 next week, and he's announced he doesn't believe in Easter Bunny anymore, but still does believe in Santa...I'm thinking, sure you do! But I'll play along as long as he does! My mom still sends me and my family stockings with little goodies in them along with all our gifts, and I'm grown with 3 kids of my own! (she lives in another state) If we were there with her I think she'd still give me gifts labeled from Santa too! :-D
I wrap it all up. Just because if the toys or big items are unwrapped she will not care to unwrap the smaller things. She says she believes in Santa. I do question if she really does because when shes being a lil brat and I say Santas watching she says he's watching you to right? Then she told me Santa will bring her stuff anyways he always does. I have thought about hiding her stuff Christmas morning as a joke but that maybe a little mean. lol
I only have one that still believes. She's 6 and I'm actually almost ready for her to find out the truth so I can just wrap the gifts as I buy them and stick them under the tree, instead of having to hide them all over the house. Is that terrible? :neutral: When I wrapped Santa gifts, I used different paper too. My oldest is out on his own now so I'm wrapping all his gifts and they will be under the tree (Santa stuff doesn't fit under the tree so they each have their 'Santa spots' in the living room.) I'm going to tell little one that when you grow up and move away, Santa doesn't leave presents at your parents' home anymore, and all the gifts for him are from us. Hmm, after I tell her this maybe she'll refuse to grow up, refuse to quit believing in Santa, and live with me forever! (I can say that now, because she hasn't hit puberty yet...)
It's very sad that y'all keep talking about "the truth" when, in fact, you simply don't know "the truth". You think it makes you look all grown up to not believe in Santa Claus, so you deny his existence and call it "the truth", then pat yourselves on the back for a job well done at growing up. What''s even worse is that you pass it on to your children and rob them of the belief in Santa Claus. I have news for you. The truth is Santa does exist. And, no, I'm not the only one who believes. There are many of us here on 4042 (as you will soon see), as well as around the world. And, no, we don't simply believe in some "spirit of Santa", as was described to Virginia, we actually believe in the big guy himself. Living at the North Pole, "Ho, ho, ho", the right jolly old elf, etc. Please, if you want to live your life in denial, feel free. That's entirely up to you. But don't be telling us that it's "the truth" because, simply put, it ain't.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Anywho... Gifts from ma & pa wrapped in regular ole general wrapping paper. Stuff from Santa, wrapped in bright red or bright green wrapping paper. And the one big item for each isn't wrapped.
Growing up I was always told that when I stopped believing in Santa Claus then I stopped getting gifts from Santa....and since the best gifts were always the ones from Santa...I BELIEVE!! :-D Santa usually brings stocking stuffers and one MAIN gift. All unwrapped.
Just curious, does Santa only visit those who believe? Do you believe that one man visits households Christmas Eve, or many Santas exist? I missed earlier Santa discussions, so just curious what you believe or please link me to the discussion.
My parents to this day still hide the gifts even for me and sibs, we are all grown lol, it's fun and we play games as well..little notes in differant boxes to go around the house and outside trying to find the gift. There are no gifts under the tree right now..they don't put them under there till xmas eve. They will be doing that as well with my neice and my daughter. My dad puts alot into xmas and always has..he is always upset afterwards cause it went to fast and it's all over...so he only lets one of us open gifts at a time. Drags it out for as long as he can. He feels with all of us working 40 plus hours a week, he wants to have us all in one house longer then 2 hours lol. I look foward to the laughs and unwrapping and the oh's a aww's...I love it each yr, and it's not just the gifts but the time spent together. So as far as wrapping the gifts go, the toys from santa are wrapped unless they are to big, and the clothes and stuff are wrapped but they say mom and dad on them..the fun stuff should come from Santa, cause he is the toy maker lol...oh well I know I can't wait. Sheri