Wreck on N. Pleasant Coats Rd this morning

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by rushlow2004, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    This just shows how bad this road is. Young 15 year old boy driving a SUV at 6:30 this morning on N. Pleasants Coats Rd. No one was with him. Flipped the truck 4 times and landed in the drive way of the doctors office.
    Missed all our mail boxes and it was unreal how he didn't get hurt.

    My question is why was he out at that time in the morning and why was he driving to start with. He mother was telling the police he was on his way to work??????

    I Live on this road, and my roommates saw everything and are the ones that called 911..again I'm just wondering where the parents were when he was driving this morning.
  2. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Hopefully the parents will also receive some type of criminal charge if they allowed him to drive.
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    So sad. What is the matter with parents? For goodness sakes!

    Good morning,
  4. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    From the way she was saying she knew he had the car and that he was out there on his way to work...If I'm correct he may loose the chance of getting his licence in the future.
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    what are the laws for driving at 15? are you only allowed to drive with an adult with you? you can't get your license until 16, is that correct? my kids won't be driving for a while, so i don't know the laws, i was just wondering...
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You cannot drive at 15 without an adult/guardian in the car sitting right beside of you and there are only certain hours you can drive. I don't remember what the start time is but the end time is 9:00 pm.

    Yes, this will set him back for at least a year on getting his license and hopefully mom/dad will get in some trouble as well.
  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    You can get your permit at 15, and must drive with a licensed driver over the age of 21. You have to be be at least 16 to get a license and/or have had the permit for one year.
  8. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I guess we were posting at the same time :lol: I believe he'd have to wait till he's 18 to get his license, thats what it used to be.
  9. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I did talk to someone today that most likely he will not be able now to get his licence till he is 18. His parents will most likely not get in trouble for what he did. thankfully he didn't hurt anyone else.
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Seems like their auto insurance carrier would not be required to cover the accident, as the operator was technically unlicensed to drive at that time and without a 21 yr old accompanying him, yet permitted by the owners to operate it.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2008
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Yep, I believe you are correct about waiting till he's 18.
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: and I can't believe those parents were that irresposible/stupid? :banghead:
  13. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Yet, for those who are uninsured or underinsured, their neglect affects my policy premiums as well, does it not?

    I grant your point about the vehicle being insured. The parents deserve more of a sanction than this public remonstration, and a possibility of increased premuims.

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