My ATV is sick. It's a Yamaha Bear Tracker. I'm pretty sure it's the carb so I bought a rebuild kit. I've never rebuilt a carburetor but I think it's pretty straight forward. The problem is I can't get the throttle cable disconnected from the carb so that I can bring it to the kitchen table to work on it. Does anyone know how to get it off? The problem is in the area of #33 in this layout. Thanks in advance
its hard to tell but does that cover go over that part or is it on the outside of the carb,,, how does the cable run up to it... I don't see the cable..
It doesnt show the cable. The cable comes through #29 and somehow fastens under 33. Problem is I think there is a trick to getting 33 out.
can you tell where the spring sets in and the throttle clip goes on... the throttle clip means that piece inside #33.. it should go onto a shaft or rod... Lets keep this language in perspective to what we are working on... :jester::jester::jester:
Good question. I'll check that tomorrow. I hope so but I dont remember seeing a screw on the other side. Thanks
Apparently none of us are screwed. That's why we're on this stupid web site on a Friday night. :evil:
I'm way past my bed time. My woman is at McKinleys and she better not come home thinking she can take advantage of me.