So I don't turn another thread off topic I will start another one... Tis the season for yard sales..... Please if you are going to be having one, have the decency to clean all of your signs back up when it is over. I am not pointing fingers at anyone on here, I don't know who any of you are. My yard just happens to be one of the "prime" spots for a sign evidently. It makes me want to tear your sign all to pieces and throw it all over your yard when they are left in mine!!! Please be considerate, I don't want to clean up your trash. I am considerate enough to let you put it there until the sale is over, please return the favor.
If it was me I would take them down as soon as they went up. Maybe then people would learn. But I am a witch or something that rhymes with it. Every place you go now there are left up yard sale signs and it looks terrible.
I am getting pretty close to that point, but am willing to give another chance. If it turns out that this year starts to be as bad as last year, they will start coming down immediately.
Placing signs without permission is illegal G.S. 136.32 No Unoffical Signs in public right of way G.S. 14-145 No Unlawful Postings of advertisements