There must be big money in publishing yellow pages. We have AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Tar Heel Publishing yellow pages. Cut down some more trees! Recycle trash can will get most of ours. I use the web!
Not sure why ... I throw mine away every time I get one. Nada phone book in this house.... I use the internet baby!!! :mrgreen:
AND I hate to drive by & see phonebooks soaking wet & driven over 2x day at the end of some slobs driveway. :x HELLO:> Just pick them up & toss them out.
I took the time once to get to the bottom of it. Some of the companies have an opt out program although they are not very conspicuous. If there is no explicit opt out program, I would just call customer service and ask them to stop delivering. I have even written my legislators to fix the problem. There is some old law that requires a phone company to provide a phone book to everyone with a phone, but I think that is for the white pages only. If you think about it the system is incredibly flawed. The yellow page company gets paid selling advertisements and listings. The rates are based on how many people their books go to (circulation). The book are given to EVERYONE regardless of whether they want one or not. The delivery person is paid by the book, so the more the dump the more they make and the higher the circulation numbers are. If you are a business, please try not to advertise in these wasteful, outdated eyesores. If you are a resident, please call the phone book company and ask that they stop sending you one. Recycling is good, but not using in the first place is better.
The State maintained road ends right at my driveway in my sub. so I have about 10 mailboxes in my yard, for the folks that live past the pavement ending. I give folks about 3 days to pick up the telephone books (since they are technically in my yard). If they aren't picked up, I put them in their mailboxes for them, or on top of the mailboxes.
We don't have a land line phone yet we are still bombarded with phone books all the time! What the french toast? I, like others use the net to look up numbers so I toss them into the recycle bin.
yep, I toss them in the recycle pile.....internet is the only way to go. trying to figure out what 'town' someone is listed in a phonebook, in the Cleveland/ 42 area, is virtually impossible.
I agree. The other thing that seems to pile up in driveways and yards in our 'hood is the Clayton newspaper. It's delivered to EVERYONE regardless if you asked for it or not. There are some houses on our street that have 3 or 4 sitting in their driveway. You would think they would pick them up!
The lady who lives directly across the street from me NEVER, EVER, NOT ONCE had picked up any of her phone books, newspapers or anything else tossed into her yard. They literally wither away in the weather. I think there's something wrong with her. She has a trash can that I haven't seen pulled to the end of her driveway in two years. I'd hate to see inside her house.
I am not picking up 20 phonebooks and lugging them to the trash. nope. most appreciate the fact that they don't have to open their car door and actually get out of their cars to get their books, while blocking my driveway and checking their mail. :mrgreen:
I just found 2 more phone books in my driveway this morning.....that makes 4 in the last month. I use the internet for everything..I DON'T need any more phone books!!!!
Like a prior poster said before, a lot of it is for the Advertisers...businesses gotta advertise somewhere I suppose.