Something Great for Teens...New Teen Club in Clayton,NC!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by UnderRageTeenClub, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    There currently has only been the one night. According to their page though it is going to become a monthly thing at this location.

    As to this location, if it is being billed as a smoke free evening for the kids then I suggest that Magoo's buys a few more smoke eaters and runs them 24/7 to get rid of the smell in the place.

    Frogger....if you wish to examine the place as an adult environment then they open at either 11 or 11:30 am every day for lunch and don't close till late. Offer daily lunch specials that aren't bad value wise. But me personally being a non-smoker it is hard to get past the smell when you first walk in at lunch.

  2. lilgirlac

    lilgirlac New Member

    so pretty much i knew once i posted that i would have about 100 people jump on my back (mainly the frequent posters) well honestly i have learned to say no THROUGH mistakes.. and watching other kids my age make those mistakes.. no i'm not a perfect kid no i'm no 100% trusted but i do know what is best for me, my future, and what my parents would want me to do. my parents taught me right from wrong long before i was 13. i knew about drugs and sex and all of that when i was like 12.. and because of that i think it helped me make decisions for myself.. i was around them a lot of my life.. i always have been and kids are guna do what they want to do. what i don't think you parents are understanding is that if your kid REALLY wants to goto this club.. they are guna get there.. one way or another.. and the whole strip club comment.. you're just an idiot.. no i'm not saying let them go there and see how they'd act... FYI you have to be 18 to enter some and most you have to be 21 ... sooooo stop trying so hard to be a *** and think about things before you type them. i know.. i'm rambling but honestly you are all overreacting. i just don't understand what is so harmful about this club, i know 13-16 y/os going to city limits (CL) wearing skirts with no underwear dancing on the bars.. you think THEIR parents know they are there?? probably not. (keep in mind these are some of the skankiest girls in the school) and another thing.. yeah you parents may be against this club.. but there is how many parents on here objecting to it? maybe 50? how many teen do you think there are in johnston county.. wake county? you aren't they only parents around here.. and some parents wouldn't MIND letting their children go... so get over yourselves.. and i feel so bad for your children.. they probably won't have lives..

    and i see you're glad i'm not a parent.. well honestly i do believe when i become a mother i will be a VERY good mother.. i have helped raise my best friends baby and my mom's friends baby... my best friend's little girl lives with me and my mom tuesdays - sundays and i am with her every minute.. so i know what it means to be responsible for a life.. so don't even go there with you. you are all just so aggrivating.. just get off the computer and talk to your kids... some of you it looks like all you do is sit on the computer and post stupid CRAP on here....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2007
  3. racecitync

    racecitync Well-Known Member

    don't get on their butts too their credit, most of them are posting at work:lol:
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Hush your mouth, the boss might be online too:lol:
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I wish this girl knew half as much as she THINKS she knows. But the only thing that will cure this is age, unfortunately. :roll:
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    That reminds me of a sign i saw on a woman's desk one time. It read: i only wish i knew half as much now as i thought i knew when i was 17:lol:
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  8. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    I'm sure ALE would like to know this information, not to mention any other law enforcement agency. As that is child pornography wheither or not the bar permits it, and can and will get them shut down.

  9. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I've seen kids in Magoos under the age of 12 with their drunk parents. I didn't see one person who cared besides me. NO WAY in this world would I let my kid go with me to a bar. Now for a club for teens..........why not? If you have a responsible kid at the age that is allowed, why not trust them to go there? When my kids get old enough they will be able to go to these places. Better than having them out on the streets doing whatever they do. Some kids (teenagers) need to be treated like adults so they can get prepared for the real world. Like I've been told myself, you can't shelter them all their lives. That's why you have these ones going out and doing crazy stuff. They never had the chance to do anything. Kind-of like letting the lion out of its cage !!!
  10. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    My thoughts and feelings have always been this. If you want to be a teen club then by all means be a teen club. Find a location, lease it, spend the money for the lighting and sound system, hire security and have a permenant establishment. Don't go around renting out adult bars once or twice a month for the event. By having the roving rave, as I have termed it, you are opening yourself up to alot of possible trouble and problems. Especially by having it in adult bars, where bartenders can be tempted by extra money to serve alcohol to underage kids. Because you know as well as I do that these places aren't going to clean all the alcohol out of the bar and then move it back in for just one night.

  11. chik

    chik Well-Known Member

    I actually, when I lived out there, did a business plan and full research to develop a place for teens. I had the idea that it could be not only a dance club for teens but a place to do homework with computers. The computers were all going to have parental controls. I had an idea to have webcams available for parents to have the ability to view what is going on in the place. I went as far as researching other purposes for the place. I had a gameroom, a large screen tv with an x-box gaming system, soda fountains, and even researched security.

    I understand teens want there own place beyond a roller skating rink. But also as a parent I understood what the risks were. I tried to develop an idea that would fit in a community like 4042.

    I had researched the negatives and positives.

    I couldn't get the loan. It was called "risky" it was easier for them to open the strip bar on the border of Clayton than for me to try to open a place for teens to go.

    I am not there anymore but reading the posts reminded me.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  12. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member

    It was not the fact of being risky but rather no bank wanted to invest in kids things was the real problem.... at least at that time. I was never so ****ed off at our financial institutions for not even giving it the benefit of the doubt!
  13. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    Okay little girl, it's time to stop playing with your dolly and go back to spelling class.
  14. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    i do think that if my kiddo wants to check this place out - WE will. I am a nosey mother and I want to see what is going on . I know there will be a mixed element ( good kids, bad kids, smart kids, stupid kids, tough kids, mellow kids, players and fools) and I am curious to see how it is handled.

    As as far as my space is concerned.. . My dog has a my space. So it doesn't make anyone all that cool.
  15. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    I agree with craig. Your advertising is aweful! The myspace is what did it for me. Can you see our point at all lilgirlac? And furthermore, why does your friend have a baby? I assume she is your age. But darling until you HAVE a REAL baby of your OWN, you will never understand. You are not responsible for your friends baby or moms friends baby. Obviously you go to the "club" do you have to find sitters? Do you pay daycare? Do you work to put a roof over your friends babys head? Nooooo. Its no more than a Doll like figure to you. You play with it a while and throw it down. I am sure you love your friends baby but you have nooooo idea. REALLY.

    Only then will you understand what most of these people are saying, little girl.
  16. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Have fun. I wont be taking mine. nooo way. let us know how yall like it. If you trust her, let her go by herself. Might as well. JMO
  17. emilie

    emilie Well-Known Member


    If you take a look at the website they have put together on myspace you can see what exactly your children will be subjected to. AND SO MUCH FOR CURSE FREE MUSIC when they are playing a song full of curses on that very same site!!! HMMMMM??????
  18. emilie

    emilie Well-Known Member



    "Hey everyone,

    Sorry to cause such a stir! But Club UnderRage is based on christian values! I have heard tons of horror stories about teens getting pregnant, thrown in jail, drunk, high and every other one in the book. Club Underage gives parents security to know that...their child is SAFE! This club will have security at the door, along with a door person. If any alcohol/smoke is smelled on a child, they will be turned away. Inside the club, yes it will have a club atmosphere, and yes we will have VIRGIN drinks! But with todays society, if they aren't here, they may be at a Party where the drinks aren't virgin, smokes a flying, drugs are being passed around, and music surely isn't radio edited. We aim to market the teen crowd, and make sure they have a great time dancing! All our nights are themed, to give them something to have fun with. And yes I may be young, but I have worked for some big companies already in life!

    Please do not bash this club, as it is something GREAT to get kids out of making the wrong choices.


    Club UnderRage"

    First of all just by posting your website on MYSPACE has shown me, a parent of a teen almost 14, what your motives are.

    Number one: Advertising on MYSPACE is not the way to go. If you make like you say 250,000 or more a year then spend a few thousand on decent advertising promoting your club. Why are you trying to lure in people through myspace. You might allure some clubgoers but you will also allure some pediphiles/child molesters as well - maybe even from out of state. Personal advertising would have been much better.

    Number two:
    You claim that it is Alcohol Free, Curse Free yadda yadda. Well why are you using Fergie's song on your site full of curses. Or did you not know that was posted. Right there you have betrayed your own confidence.

    I am outraged it is in Magoo's where there are no cameras where us parents can see their children -if they did allow them to go there. THere are also "blind spots" in that place if the second room - which used to be a restaurant extra area - was accessible.

    Will Johnston County supervise as they do at Interskate and Rainbow Lanes where even then kids get a way with some but not as much as a club. A club is always darkened except for the dance floor - why would I want to put my kid in this predicament.

    The worst thing is WHO this ad is attracting. Every parent considering to let their kids go should go your website and see the responses your page has received. I have not seen one SMART reply to your ad. I would be greatly concerned about attracting alot more rif raff than decent individuals.

    Also, if kids wish to leave - will anyone stop them. When I lived in NY there was teen club Tuesday at one club but the kids would get dropped off by parents or authorized people AND picked up. If a child sneaks out, who's to say where else they will go.

    Anyway it might seem a great thing for some parents but definately not for me. I think hosting a "livingroom disco" with decent music you can move to, for a few friends of my daughter under my supervision will be the answer if my daughter gets the itch to want to enjoy the "club scene".

    What's the rush kids, 21 is just around the corner.
  19. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    This is SO exceptionally well put!! I couldn't have said it any better.
  20. littleguy

    littleguy Well-Known Member

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