I have had the perfect avatar for a "bad monkey" forever now... I finally get to use it.... except I had no part in it, I'm always a good l'il monkey..
dern-it people.. I had to dig to drag this thread back up.... I think my evil twin Sybil is visiting this morning... right off the bat, walked into work and got annoyed before I even got to my desk or had coffee. I walked in.. there's a new thing on our wall... our "spanish words for the day"... how 'bout you take that and put in the break-room so the mexicans can learn english.. they are in America.. we're not the ones in Mexico!!! :evil:
^^^ You go, girl!!! I had a day like that last Saturday. Got up and had an instant scowl. It lasted until...hmmm...about 8 that night! Came back yesterday, btw. Maybe it's the moon . Frogger
lol, Kel! (1) Friday can't come soon enough (2) Spring? What's that? OH! I remember! It's days like today without the cold start! Frogger
Why is it that other people feel they know what's *best* for you and continually tell you what to do...even if you haven't asked?!
LMAO, that is an ongoing joke with my grandkids. They pick up Spanish from some of the kids at school and when they say it to me, i always reply with No hablo Espanol:lol: i slipped the other day when one of them said gracious and replied with Da Nada and they called me on it:lol: BTW, if my spelling of Spanish words is wrong, i apologize, it has been a whole lot of years since i took Spanish in school.
I added my own to her sign... in red at the bottom.. "aprenda el englise por favor" (learn english please)